A man has admitted killing soldier Lee Rigby but said it was not murder because “I am a soldier of Allah” and “this is a war”.
Michael Adebolajo, 28, described the killing as a “military operation”.
Bollocks. Allah doesn’t exist – it only existed in the depraved mind of the evil warlord (piss be upon him) who started the Islamic death cult. And the actions of this these two vile creatures were not military actions. What they committed was brutal, unprovoked murder and their trial gives us the chance to see them for what they are; criminal scumbags, not soldiers. The man they murdered was a thousand times the man they will ever be. So, seeing them for what they are, we can pour our contempt upon them. They are no more soldiers than the provisional IRA wannabes were forty years ago. What they did was rightly prosecuted as murder as well.
My only concern is that they get a light sentence. Frankly, anything less than life without parole – preferably doing hard labour (but that’s a hope too far, I suspect) – will be a failure of justice.
XX Frankly, anything less than life without parole XX
In a cell with the 2 meter square, ex Glasgow docker who now insists everyone calls him “Doris,” and just ADORES a nice boy with a sun tan!
I’ve heard from other circles that this pair are clearly guilty so we don’t need the trial. I disagree. The open nature of the trial and the slow, purposeful tread of Justice as it steps inexorably closer are what I hope his widow holds to her. Each day of the trial we see how little this pair of wretches truly are and the emptiness of their beliefs. There is no way this pair of oxygen thieves are getting anything less than a whole life tariff and there is no possibility of parole. Even the “Court of Human Rights” is going to back away from less than that. It is only too bad that we do not have some form of “Supermax” facility like the US. Perhaps we could outsource?
Indeed so. I want the world to see these morally bankrupt cretins for what they are. Vile scum.
Don’t know if the West expected Islam not to notice depleted uranium and ruination of Iraq’s children, now the most genetically compromised ie deformed in the world, but it’s kind of difficult to shrug off. Bound to inflame the fanatical type, but absolutely no excuse for what happened. Then again, throwing stones at a wasp nest means you can’t complain when people get stung, sorry for the metaphor after such a horrible crime but you get the picture.
We can complain because the invasion of Iraq was not in my name.
We can complain, you are right, but we should expect this kind of thing because some of them think that our Government has conspired to kill a million of them for no good reason. You can’t do this and expect no reaction. I don’t vote but my taxes go (or went, I lost my job) on arms and war. Am I culpable? Dunno, Nuremberg says yes.
Nuremberg doesn’t say that. We, as members of the electorate have no direct control over politicians. therefore we are not and cannot be culpable for their actions.
That’s why I don’t like it when they claim to represent us, and why I don’t vote. In fact, I think that anyone who does vote is responsible to an extent for what the government does.
If this moron really proclaims to be a soldier then perhaps he won’t mind if we take him outside and shoot him as a traitor and a murderer, which actually is what he is.
He would like that – martyrdom and 72 virgins await in paradise according to his deranged delusional belief system.
The deranged belief in ’72 Virgins” etc., should show anyone whose IQ exceeds their shoe size that this is a misogynistic cult, relegating women to the status of mere chattels, and:- 72 of ’em awaiting the martyr? Evidently such lines were originally aimed at the 100% testosterone, pubescent shepherd boy.
It’s a civil crime, plus he doesn’t care if he gets shot, in fact he hoped to get shot, so life in prison would be more of a punishment.
Indeed it would. I wonder though, if in keeping with other government ‘ideas’, we could outsource his future care to the establishment run by the rebel colonials at Guantanamo Bay?