Or Maybe…

…I just don’t like Christmas without feeling any need to justify myself.

At least now, when you encounter someone who says they “hate Christmas” before launching into a long rant about why this is, you may have some explanation for why they’re doing this, so can safely ignore them.

You could wade through the turgid psychobabble blathered out by Dean Burnett in a feeble attempt at irony or you could just ignore it… The latter is probably best, I won’t get those few minutes of my life back after all, might as well save some of yours for more fruitful pursuits.


  1. Merry Christmas, LR! I’m sure you’ve got all the decorations up and have the turkey ready and everything! 😉

    • Nah. The first year we were married, we tried a tree. One of the cats brought it down and we never bothered after that. Christmas is too much like hard work for me.

      • Funnily enough, our feline experience is likewise. And the same with house plants, ornaments etc. Cats and decorations (fortunately for me) don’t mix well.

  2. (Almost) likewise. I have no interest in football, cricket, tennis or practically any other sport (unless there’s an engine involved). I’m constantly asked for an explanation, or required to justify this:- how the hell do you justify an absence of interest FFS???

    All I ever say is “I don’t like it:- you do so please go away and be involved somehow but most of all, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE”.

    Spare me the evangelical ‘converters’.

    • In my experience, expressing dislike or disinterest towards football nearly always results in either having your sexuality questioned or, more irritatingly, the retort “so you’re into rugby then?”. All I can surmise is that logic isn’t really a strong point of most football fans!

      • Yeah, I’ve had that one. Football supporters frequently appear unable to grasp the concept of not liking football. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve been asked what team I support and had to respond by telling them “none”.

        • I have had my sexuality questioned, despite having my wife & offspring with me, simply because I don’t have any interest in football. I generally tell them that I can always spot a football fan by the way they drag their knuckles along the ground when walking.

  3. I am in total agreement about football, I did used to play rugby though, however Ted Treen summed it up best, it it has not got an engine………. 😉 😉 😉

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