New Year, Same Old Stories

The obesity epidemic.

The number of overweight and obese adults in the developing world has almost quadrupled to around one billion since 1980, says a report from a UK think tank.

As I said, same old, same old. They are using BMI of course and BMI is not a reliable indicator. For example, mine is 24.1. Yes, this is a healthy weight according to the BMI measure, but it is at the top end – and you’d see more fat on greasy chip, frankly. So 25 is not obese.

The Overseas Development Institute said one in three people worldwide was now overweight and urged governments to do more to influence diets.

Oh, of course, what did we expect. Perhaps nanny can send someone round to police our fridges and cupboards while we are at it.

In the UK, 64% of adults are classed as being overweight or obese.

Oh, do fuck off. That is so obviously false that it is risible. Take a look on any High Street in the country and you will see the occasional fattie. You will not see 64% of people overweight because this is simply not true. When dealing with quangos, think-tanks, governments and other vested interests throwing statistics about, I prefer to go with the evidence of my own eyes and my own eyes tell me that this is an egregious lie.

The majority of this increase was seen in the developing world, particularly in countries where incomes were rising, such as Egypt and Mexico.

Er, because they are getting richer and their diets are improving so they are going from underweight to just right.

To combat the rising tide of obesity, Mr Wiggins recommends more concerted public health measures from governments, similar to those taken to limit smoking in developed countries.

He said: “Politicians need to be less shy about trying to influence what food ends up on our plates.

I can’t say that I had noticed any shyness on the part of politicians when it comes to poking about in our personal affairs. Indeed, quite the opposite. It is not the business of politicians to influence what ends up on our plates. It is a matter for us and no one else. And, if we die early as a consequence of our choices – well, that’s our responsibility and no one else’s.

Did you notice the old smoking slippery slope slipped in there? A unique product apparently. The smoking cessation formula would not be applied to anything else. Well, at least that’s what ASH keep saying.

They lied.


  1. My BMI is 27.9, that is at the fatter end of the overweight scale according to these fools. I’m 55, have a 34″ waist and I’m extremely fit. Yet according to the obesity industry I’m part of the epidemic.

    • hence my irritation with these people – they are manipulating the figures so that they can claim that 64% of adults are obese when the reality is they are not.

  2. I haven’t a clue what my BMI is, and what’s more, I couldn’t give a monkeys.

    I’m 64, around 5’11” – 6’0″ and weigh around 13st7lbs.

    I know I’ve developed a bit of a spare tyre over the last five or six years, so maybe I could lose a few pounds from around my waist – if only ‘cos some of my older clothes would one again fit me nicely, instead of being a bit tight.

    Am I unhealthy?

    I’d be the first to admit I’m not as fit as I once was, but then I’ve smoked since I was 17, but I do walk around 3 to 3.5 miles each weekday, despite arthritis in my knees, hips & lower spine. My heart rate varies between 55 and 62 – sometimes surges as high as 80-something after a mad burst of exercise. My blood pressure is no problem and my cholesterol level is below 4.

    I love Haddock & Chips – especially when cooked in beef dripping, I’m partial to tasty burgers, and a full English with fried bread, black pudding & bubble & squeak (plus brown sauce, of course) is my idea of heaven.

    I’m happy: so the miserable pinch-faced nannies can go take a flying ****, and sod off and leave me alone.

    I’m a big boy now.

    I can decide for myself.

  3. ha ha ha and yet this morning the press were touting rumours of a drop in childhood obesity in 10 and 11 year olds for the first time in many moons. So they can’t have it both ways.
    Mind you it is health fascists we are talking about here and they want it every which way.

  4. Chris Snowden has looked at this. He says that nowhere does this report separate the so-called obese from the over-weight. They are all lumped together.
    Further, I am sure that you are aware that the definitions of over-weight and obese were fiddled with some time ago in preparation for the ‘epidemic’ claim.

    From a comment on Frank Davis’s site:


    Body Mass Index (BMI) is defined as the ratio of weight (in kg) to height (in meters) squared and is an inexact measure of body fat, though it supposedly establishes cutoff points of normal weight, overweight, and obesity.

    Old definition: BMI > 28 (men), BMI > 27 (women)
    People under old definition: 70.6 million
    New definition: BMI > 25
    People added under new definition: 30.5 million
    Percent Increase: 43%

    The definition was changed in 1998 by U.S. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.

  5. Well Ted, I don’t really give a shit about my BMI either, I just like to know what it is so that I can point out what bullshit the whole thing is. For what it’s worth yours is 25.6 which puts you in the overweight category but only just, you will be pleased to know that, according to official government endorsed calculations, you are close to being a healthy weight. I, on the other hand, don’t have a spare tyre but am not as tall as you are, so I’m too fat.

  6. “Take a look on any High Street in the country and you will see the occasional fattie. You will not see 64% of people overweight because this is simply not true.”

    That’s because all the fatties are too embarrassed to show their faces outside their doors. If they can fit though their doors. All those skinny people you see are skinny because of all the exercise they get carrying huge amounts of pizzas, chips, burgers, pies and doughnuts home for the fatties.

    Some or all of the foregoing may be internet truth (or in other words, fiction). 🙂

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