
Those ridiculous quizzes. This time in the Groan. Apparently, watching habits can determine your voting preferences. Hah!

Of course as is always the case, there are false dichotomies with questions that don’t allow “none” or “all three” or “more than one”. So it’s junk. And, no, they didn’t get my preferences right. Not even within a parsec of being close.

Your results

Danny Alexander


Your dream TV watching partner based on this quiz is Danny Alexander.

The YouGov polling found Lib Dem supporters’ viewing habits centred on “surreal and kooky” shows – with 50% of the list comedies, by far the highest level. Have I Got News For You and Mock The Week and topped their chart. Science fiction is also a favourite

I’d sooner stick glass shards in my eyes.


    • I got Eric, too.

      It appears to rate you according to one or two prefs:- prefer “Foyle’s War” and “To the Manor Born” and irrespective of any other choices, you’re a nostalgic old-school Conservative, yearning for the glory days of the empire etc. etc.

      It’s been a long time since I’ve seen anything so carelessly put together, inherently stupid and just plain wrong.

      But then I don’t usually peruse The Grauniad…

      • It’s been a long time since I’ve seen anything so carelessly put together, inherently stupid and just plain wrong.

        But then I don’t usually peruse The Grauniad…

        Clearly not – this is about as good as their journalism gets.

  1. I got Beaker too.

    I’m surprised UKIP politicos weren’t a potential result. Or BNP.

    Unless being compared to Nicky Griffin or David Silvester would give a normal Grauniad reader a fit of the vapours…

  2. they seemed to think I am a labour voter who would like to watch TV with Rachel fucking Reeves?

    This may be at odds with the actualite.

  3. Dear Longrider

    The oracle says I am a Dim Lib and I get Danny Boy.

    Where have I gone wrong all my life?


  4. you think yours was bad …. I got Eric Pickles based purely on the fact I watch to the manor born! and as some of these shows I’d never even heard of it was all a little difficult.
    Still i suppose you get that if you never watch TV.

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