Castles on the Sand

Although some of us have said it for a while, the health Nazis are finally being exposed as liars and charlatans.

Last week it fell to a floundering professor, Jeremy Pearson, from the British Heart Foundation to explain why it still adheres to the nutrition establishment’s anti-saturated fat doctrine when evidence is stacking up to refute it. After examining 72 academic studies involving more than 600,000 participants, the study, funded by the foundation, found that saturated fat consumption was not associated with coronary disease risk. This assessment echoed a review in 2010 that concluded “there is no convincing evidence that saturated fat causes heart disease”.

Likewise, one day, the MSM will finally admit that there is no such thing as third-hand smoke, that no one has ever died as a consequence of second-hand smoke, that we are not a nation of drunkards – and older people do not have a drink problem because they like a glass of wine with a meal – and there is no obesity epidemic, rather there is an epidemic of lies, disinformation and fake statistics being peddled by the health Nazis and new puritans to justify their demands for evermore ratcheting down of our liberties and, of course, evermore funding for their junk “research” (I refuse to dignify it with the term science).

Slowly, it seems, the MSM is experiencing an epiphany and noticing that these control freaks have been lying and indulging in shonky “research” to mislead us. Yet the article has an underlying theme of “what now?” Yet “what now?” remains as it ever was, surely; do as you wish. Eat what you like, drink what is comfortable for you, live your life as you see fit, for it is yours to dispose of as you desire – not theirs. And what they have difficulty comprehending is that some of us prefer to take risks and enjoy life now rather than abstain from all sources of pleasure for the benefit of a lingering old age. Thanks but no thanks.

 In fact, lead researcher Dr Rajiv Chowdhury spoke of the need for an urgent health check on the standard healthy eating script. “These are interesting results that potentially stimulate new lines of scientific inquiry and encourage careful reappraisal of our current nutritional guidelines,” he said.

Just as well, I’ve been ignoring those guidelines – just as I ignore all guidelines from the state or any of its parasitical hangers-on. I have my own guidelines and they are very simple – I’ll eat what I like in as great (or small) a quantity as I like. In other words, being an adult, I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions without the intervention of the state, fake charities, single-issue lobby groups, or any of the other self-righteous, pompous, puritan parasites raiding my wallet and demanding that my freedoms be restricted.

Can you hear a drip, drip in the background as officially endorsed diet advice goes into meltdown?

Yes and a very pleasing sound it is, too. Now all we want is for the MSM to finally put the boot into the catastrophic anthropogenic climate change hysteria. Although, I’m not exactly holding my breath


  1. I don’t think that it is difficult, or that you have to make sacrifices to eat a sensible diet. It makes sense to me to eat a fairly healthy diet, I do and I also really enjoy my food. The health fascists’ diet, on the other hand, would be a miserable affair and would probably make you ill by depriving your body of essential nutrients.

    Regarding the linked Guardian article, if the guy is right, the politicians are gradually waking up to the fact that screwing people over to fight an imaginary problem is a vote loser. It doesn’t seem to occur to him that the reason that the “deniers” are winning the argument is because they are right.

    • It doesn’t seem to occur to him that the reason that the “deniers” are winning the argument is because they are right.

      Nor does it occur to the clapping sea-lions below the line. Of course they are right and of course “deniers” are wrong – anything else is inconceivable and will continue to be inconceivable even when their threatened catastrophe fails to materialise.

  2. Nice analysis.

    Just a minor point: all these people are leftists, and the politicians who enact the regulations are hard left leaning toward the Stalinist control model. It’s nice and juicy to call people ‘Nazis’ but Stalin killed more of his own people, and for the ‘greater good’.

    These fanatics are left-leaning ideologists supported by hard-left politicians. As well as (genuine) liberals, the right wing oppose them. Of course, you are right in that these people are so far out that fascist and Stalinist policies are the same thing; but it’s the left’s politicians who push the laws through (despite the fact there is a commercial agenda half the time).

  3. My body is a very intelligent machine, it tells me what I need and what I should avoid – it’s that simple.

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