1. Why is racism always the “magic trump card”? I’m not going to condone racism, and I disagree with UKIP about their ideas with regards to the burqa as profoundly illiberal, but the other day, some communists unfurled pictures of Stalin and Lenin in Trafalgar Square and the BBC, the Guardian and The Independent didn’t bat an eyelid, people responsible for the deaths of millions. Jeremy Clarkson possibly mumbles a racist term, from an old rhyme, in a piece of unwanted footage and everyone goes apeshit.

  2. I would suggest that it is fairly likely that most political parties contain racists. A minority of people are racist and some of them probably belong to various political parties. So if someone asked me if UKIP contains racists I would have to say possibly but so what?

  3. I think they’re doing the usual journalistic practise of fudging the figures. They’re adding 27% (those who think UKIP has many racist members) with 35% (those who think UKIP attracts people with racist views) to mean “most people”.

    The “contains racists” term is true when it encompasses those who think it does and those who think it attracts and a lawyer can easily argue that its not a lie.

  4. “Since when did 27% become “most”?”

    Since the powers that be decided that this might be a genuine threat to their status quo and not just a protest vote party…

  5. ‘Most people’ will be the same people that the BBC often report as ‘some say’.
    It would be more accurate if in both cases the reporter used ‘I’ and then we would see an opinion piece for what it really is.

  6. If a good many people – as seems likely – are voting UKIP because they see it as a racist party, then the anti-racist parties should ask themselves where they are going wrong. Could it be that their anti-racist policies – more mass immigration, turning a blind eye to minority violence, more hate crime legislation, less free speech, etc – only enjoy popular support in certain newspapers?

    And on the bench too – http://britain-today.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/be-nice-to-minorities-says-leveson.html

    • ALL political parties contain racists & loonies & religious nutters.
      People, including me, are going to vote UKIP soon, if only to give the other three a good kicking.
      There are other, constitutional reasons for doing so as well: The EU assault on Common Law, the EAW, the corrupt corporate interference in things that are none of their concern, etc ….

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