You Just Can’t Win

I see that the milipede has got himself in hot water.

Ed Miliband has apologised for any offence caused after he posed with a copy of the Sun newspaper.

The Labour leader was pictured holding a special edition of the paper which was sent to millions of homes free to mark the start of the World Cup.

So, having opted for a photo shoot in order to promote the tedious, foetid spectacle of twenty-two prima-donnas kicking a ball about that will unfold piece by gory piece in South America, he upsets his natural supporters because he posed with the Sun in his hands.

Unclean! Unclean! Kill the witch!

The Labour mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson, said many people would feel “insulted” by Mr Miliband’s actions.

“Like everybody in this City I am really hurt and offended by Ed Miliband’s support for The Sun newspaper,” he said. “Such clear support for that publication at any time would be wrong but at such a sensitive time is deeply shocking.”

“For the leader of the Labour Party to make such an offensive gesture insults not only me but every person in the city.

“This is just another example of how out of touch the politicians in their ivory towers are from the lives of ordinary people.”

Oh, do grow up and get over yourself, you whining prig. If anyone is offended, it is because they choose to be offended and if that is so, they need to be offended good and hard on a regular basis until they get the message that there is no right not to be offended. There is nothing wrong with any politician of any flavour posing for a photo shoot with a newspaper in their hands – any newspaper.

It’s hard not to stifle a smirk here, though. After all, Miliband Minor is of the progressive left – the very people who take offence at the slightest slight – and let’s be clear here, this is incredibly slight indeed. The Sun has never been forgiven for its reporting of Hillsborough twenty-odd years ago. Never mind that it is no different to any of the other media outlets that lie and deceive on a daily basis (or that it’s long past time to move the fuck on, for fuck’s sake) – this one is the epitome of Murdoch’s empire and therefore is unclean and Murdoch is a witch. Consequently Milipede caused grave offence across the land and must grovel in abject apology. Which, being a good little lefty, he does.

I really don’t know whether I should be laughing or crying…

As an aside, I have never bought a copy of the Sun, but that has nothing to do with what they reported about Hillsborough, but because I don’t buy any newspapers, preferring not to pay for the privilege of being lied to. The Sun, the Guardian, makes no difference – all are peddling lies, half-truths and downright deception. They are all the same scoundrels and mountebanks under the skin.


  1. But the voters of Liverpool will virtually all vote Labour. It’s what they do, their fathers do and their grandfathers did. Milliband will not lose any votes over this utter tripe.

    • XX But the voters of Liverpool will virtually all vote Labour. XX

      I am rapidly coming to the conclusion, that the average voter is so fucking thick, that they do not even LINK voting with politicians.

      Politicians are just some kind of “reality t.v” character, and voting is some abstract thing people do when they happen to pass a polling station on the way to the bookies and white-lightning shop.

  2. That rag was deposited in our parcel box today, felt quite unclean after removing it and depositing the thing straight in the dustbin, no not recycled, rubbish like that should be burned or buried and not allowed to infect anything else.

    • The Longrider household was fortunately missed out from this. Presumably the Evil Murdoch Empire was aware of my antipathy to both newspapers and football.

  3. Personally I think Miliband should he held to account for even attempting to pretend that he is capable of comprehending something as advanced as The Sun.

    And what is Ed’s position on the tits on Page 3? Were they good today Ed?

  4. The Mayor does make one correct point, though. It does kind of illustrate that politicians have now become so contemptuous of public opinion that they don’t even employ researchers or event-planners who bother to check the itinerary beforehand and don’t even have the nowse to think “Better not do that Sun photocall in Liverpool …” There has, after all, been a resurgence of interest in Hillsborough pretty recently, so it isn’t as if he could say “but that was 20 years ago …”

    Maybe the people of Liverpool are over-reacting and maybe the Sun is no better than any other papers when it comes to lying to its readers and printing rubbish, but sensitivities, rightly or wrongly, and particularly in respect of that particular rag, are high there. As a politician, and a senior one at that, Miliband should have been aware of that. If he gave more than a tinker’s cuss about the public he would have eschewed this cheap, chummy, “one-of-the-lads,” publicity opportunity (was a fee involved, I wonder?), and his failure to do so shows that he isn’t bothered one iota about the feelings of the “little people” in Liverpool. It’s just a shame that, as Dr E says, those very same “little people” will almost certainly blindly vote for his ghastly party regardless at the next election.

    • On the broader point, yes, politicians are out of touch. However, this little stunt doesn’t illustrate that. Liverpool is not the rest of England and the rest of England is not harbouring a childish little grudge over what was written twenty-five years ago. So, no, their sensitivities should not have been taken into account over and above those of the rest of the country, and their grudge should not have been enabled. What they are demanding is that he takes part in their boycott because he is a leading politician. Er, no, he should not. If he had any balls rather than apologise, he should have told them to grow the fuck up and stop whining. This publicity stunt wasn’t about them and it wast’t about Hillsborough; they have chosen to use it as another hobby-horse from which to whine like a jet engine (again), that is all.

      But, yes, they will all vote for the bugger next year.

      As for eschewing the stunt in the first place, I agree. All of them should have, because sport should not be a part of their remit. The whole thing was incredibly tacky – but then, so is football.

  5. Or let’s be radical. Miliband could listen to the people he wants to vote for him and, you know, act on their views. Such as not pimping for the police state lovin’, freedom hating, Sun.

    Radical thoughts I know. But it just might work.

    • Because of course the sensitivities of a bunch of whining scousers is far more relevant than those of the rest of the country – many of whom will be readers of the Sun and Labour voters.

      People who get offended deserve to be offended on a regular basis until they get the message that no one is obliged to enable their thin skins.

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