
Scottish independence?

China has signalled its opposition to Scottish independence, with the country’s premier saying that he wants to see a “united, United Kingdom”.

In yet another boost for the No campaign ahead of September’s Scottish independence referendum Li Keqiang, the Chinese premier, said that he wants a “strong” United Kingdom.

His comments follow an intervention by Barack Obama, who earlier this month said that the UK is better off remaining together.

And what business is it of either China or the US? None, frankly. While I would vaguely prefer to see the UK remain as one, if the Scots wish to secede, fine, that’s their decision. It is nothing whatsoever to do with other nations. Although I don’t suppose those planning on voting yes will give a tinkers cuss what Obama or Li Keqiang have to say about it anyway.


  1. This announcement is, of course, just coincidental to Cameron being over there cementing trade deals. No. Nothing to do with that at all.

    And how come Hague reckons it’s all wrong for the Crimea to vote for independence without asking the rest of Ukraine and yet it’s all right for the Scots to vote on independence without asking the rest of the UK? Bloody hypocrites the lot of ’em.

  2. I wish the rest of the UK had a say on Scottish independence…

    In which case we English could vote yes and kick out all those Scottish MP bastards who had for years tried to denormalise the English into oblivion, not least by mass immigration and ‘multicunturalism’. Imagine, no more McSnotty Broon and his friends in Wastemonster, all told to piss off back over the border where they belong.

    …And as an added bonus, the two countries so formed would automatically NOT be in the EUSSR, but would have to reapply for membership. Would Cameroid have the balls to go against the majority and reapply?

    (I’ve read somewhere that, should the independence bid succeed, the unelected government in Brussels have already decided to name the two countries so formed ‘Scotland’ and the ‘Former United Kingdom’.
    “Where are you from?… FUK” has a certain ring to it)

    • Oh, indeed. All those Scottish bastards enacting law on the English that didn’t affect their own constituents. Hypocrites, scoundrels and mountebanks the lot of them. Kick them back over the border where they belong.

  3. I have just sent a message to the Chinese ambassador requesting that the Chinese fuck off from Tibet. From an ex pat Englishman, living in the colonies, perspective I think it would be for the best. 😉

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