The Soviet Socialist Republic of Cymru

The Welsh really have swallowed the authoritarian agenda wholesale. They are going to ban smoking in cars – for the children, of course. This is unenforceable in practice and a gross infringement on property rights in principle, but no, the extremist nutters in the assembly are going to plough ahead anyway. And, although it only applies to Wales, they plan to coordinate with the UK government, so that the Saesnegs who dare to cross the Severn and smoke in their vehicles will not get away with it.

Then there’s the stupidity prevalent in all governments world-wide in seeing a problem and deciding that the problem can be fixed with more of the same. Yup, having noticed that a fixed speed camera for a completely unnecessary 50mph section of the M4 causedĀ tailbacks, they decide that average cameras will solve it. This despite the evidence having been presented to them in the wake of switching off the fixed one for eight years. The problem is that people slow for the cameras. They will still slow for the cameras; just at a slightly different location, knumbnuts…

I used to love Wales. The socialist cretins in charge are rapidly spoiling it. Not that this place is much better for we have similar extremist authoritarian cretins in Wesmonster…


  1. Remember that the Welsh were dumb enough to vote for their legislature to have more law-making powers.

    There ought to be a ‘one-in, two-out rule’ for legislation. There is no point in legislation unless people are aware of it AND act accordingly, unless of course the aim is to fill the prisons.

    • As Wastemonster is producing legislation at a rate of over 11 PER DAY, 365 days of the year, you can bet that few, if any, MPs will have actually read anything that they have voted for. I doubt that there is ANYONE at all in this country who can live within the constraints that are being imposed upon us, mainly through ignorance of yet more laws being passed.

  2. Carwyn Jones, a slime ball of the highest order. He “cares” so much when it suits him. When he learned of patients being abused at Princess of Wales hospital in Bridgend, he did nothing. For months they’ve been talking about closing exit and entry points onto the M4 at Port Talbot. What will it achieve? Absolutely nothing, only to push congestion onto other junctions. Most of us hate the Welsh Assembly, seeing it for what it is – another useless tier of bureaucracy. Voted for by the slenderest of majorities, it’s just a heist by the Welsh speaking minority.

    • “…itā€™s just a heist by the Welsh speaking minority….”

      Much as the Westminster government is a heist by the bullshit-speaking minority.

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