In That Case…

Mine’s a burger.

Give up meat, save the planet. It really could be that simple, as new research warns that without radical changes to our diets, the food industry alone is likely to cause an 80 per cent increase in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, exceeding the current emissions targets for the entirety of the global economy.

More enviroloonie bollocks. Climate changes. It has always changed. It always will change. The idea that eating meat is going to cause climategeddon is merely the latest piece of scaremongering peddled with a vengeance by the Vietveggies in their ongoing attempts to force the rest of us  to follow their lifestyle choices. I am not scared. I do not worship at the high altar of AGW and I don’t respond positively to guilt tripping; so, yeah, if  I want a burger, I’ll have one with a clear conscience. And I’ll take no lectures on my diet from these fascists.

Of course, if you want to sate your angst, well be my guest. Just don’t expect me to wear a hair shirt alongside you. Ain’t gonna happen. A bit of warming will be no bad thing, frankly.


  1. Just been out with the missus to a local supermarket cafe, Crescendo and had their XL Classic Burger, miles better than the MacMerde across the car park. The more they push their dumb doomsday scenario, the more sane people will push back. I would never try to predict how the future is going to unfurl but I think certain circumstances will shred the AGW meme sooner than a lot of it’s proponents realize.

  2. This comes out just after it was shown that all the ‘red meat gives you cancer’ and ‘saturated fat gives you heart attacks’ was shown up to be the bollocks it always was.

    It’s not the enviroloons this time. They have been co-opted by the ‘everyone must be a vegetable’ loonies.

    If they can’t claim cancer or heart attacks, they will try claiming that your roast will eventually roast you.

    The lunacy must soon reach a level of absurdity that the drones will notice. I’m amazed at how much crap they have swallowed so far.

  3. ‘New research” in 1890 showed that by 1915, the streets of London would be buried to a depth of 15 feet with horse manure…

    As ever, it was bull manure…

  4. Perhaps these vegetable-mongers could explain how feeding crops to humans—still an animal last time I checked—is any different to feeding crops to another animal? We might not have the twin stomachs and cud-chewing facilities a cow has, but neither do chickens or pigs.

    Also, most animals are a lot less fussy about what they’ll eat. Cattle especially. Most humans prefer to smoke grass, not eat it.

  5. Good point Sean. I’ll remember that one next time one of my vegetable-munching healthist colleagues tries to convince me that I’m killing the planet with my insatiable carnivorous tastes!

    Not that I dislike vegetarian food. On the contrary, if decently cooked using high-quality ingredients (which usually rules out the tasteless fruit and veg from the supermarket) it can be delicious. Only the other night my OH and I had an “accidental” vegetarian dinner of home-made cheese and asparagus quiche and home-grown green beans, and very nice it was too. The only trouble was, by the time we were ready to turn in for the night, we were both starving hungry again and had to raid the larder for pre-sleep snacks to stave off the hunger pangs! There’s no doubt about it – a meal with meat included lasts a damned sight longer than one without.

  6. Some heretical climate scientists have dared to suggest that we are entering a mini ice age. Does that mean that warble gloaming is a good thing?

    Pork is the most filling of meats, we can dine on pig every meal of the day. Shh, don’t let the secret out.

  7. Half right half wrong
    The “Vegetarian” to save the planet is utter bollocks.
    What is needed is better raising & conditions for those animals which are to become food, which is , actually a lot less environmentally damaging.
    Tastes nicer, too – but you can’t make such an enormous quick buck that way, which explains a lot.
    Unfortunately, the climate IS changing & it is petty certain it’s “our fault” – but it is cureable.
    However, there is a con going on here – by governments after our money, & not doing anything practical – like as much nuclear power as we can get ….

    P.S. To Ted Treen – your bit about “so deep in manure” is an urban myth I’m afraid, started by idiots in the 1930’s (I think)_doing a ridiculous & wrong back-calculation. They assumed that a car of “12 Horse-power” was equivalent to 12 horses & the resulting manure – I’m sure you can see how the subsequent manure appeared ….

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