
No. No, really, we don’t.

Taxes “must” be increased to cut the deficit after the next general election, Nick Clegg has said.

He also confirmed plans to collect a “mansion tax” on high value properties through new council tax bands.

The deputy PM told the BBC this would raise £1.5bn, which would be used to reduce the national debt.

The Lib Dem leader also accused Labour of “burying its head in the sand” over the deficit and the Tories of wanting to cut it by “beating up on the poor”.

Clegg is showing his true colours. Being a politician he is a one-trick pony. And that trick is always the same – steal more money. It never occurs to these poltroons to cut the profligate waste in their own backyard. Oh, no, we must squeeze the “rich” whoever they are. Presumably owning a nice house counts. And of course, cutting back becomes “beating up the poor.”

No, really, no, it doesn’t mean that at all. Cutting back huge swathes of unnecessary government won’t beat up the poor. Ceasing all funding to fake charities and quangos won’t affect the poor. Stopping all overseas aid won’t affect them either.

So is Nick Clegg, thick, obtuse or just a liar? Or maybe all of the above?


  1. I’d be very interested to know if this much-vaunted “mansion tax” on properties over (I think proposed at the moment) £2m in value will come up from time to time for re-assessment. I bet it won’t! Because given the (general) tendency for property values to rise, I’d suggest that in a generation’s time, or possibly less, most “normal” properties will fall into this price bracket. Thus this tax, widely applauded by the left-of-leaning as a “punishment” to all those wicked wealthy people just for – well – being wicked wealthy people, will slowly but surely morph into yet another tax that we all have to pay.

    They did this with the Poll Tax (now conveniently re-named the Council Tax) when they first brought it in – at a time when property prices were facing their first big slump after years of regular and quite rapid rising, they assessed the value of properties on those of something like three or four years previously, when they’d been at their highest point. Needless to say, no review was permitted for people whose homes were actually worth less than their stated “band” until prices had risen sufficiently again to mean that any review would bump the property up a band, rather than down.

  2. With apologies for being off topic but the comments are closed on the Alan Johnson wants to ban Coca Cola post. On another post on the same subject I came across the following quote:

    “The result will be an army of happy children marching forward together, eyes bright, teeth gleaming…”

    Did he actually say this? It sounds as if it came straight out of a communist’s promising utopia handbook. If it is genuine, he really is an industrial strength imbecile.

  3. Mr Clegg has a simple formula. There are more “poor” than “rich”, so by pretending that he is some sort of latter-day Robin Hood he has to be on the side of the angels. He sees the promises as maximizing the potential pot of voters, so that has to benefit him, obviously. If some of the “rich” he has fleeced become “poor”, that just increases the demographic – these unfortunates are obviously too stupid to notice that he caused their downfall because he can’t empathize with them. He may even see that downfall as a good thing, because in his view it’s better (for other people) to be poor (and therefore more likely to vote Lib Dem) than “rich”, because the “rich” are evil.

    Unfortunately he also doesn’t seem to understand algebra (nor Mr Cable). So when they claim that unlimited immigration is a good thing that increases the size of the economy, they ignore the extra costs (financial and social) that are on the other side of the equation. He has no concept of whether we have enough space or the desire to have our demographic changed in this Country; as far as Mr Clegg is concerned it’s an unlimited resource, just like the “undeserving rich” there solely to fund his plans.

    Mr Alexander also seems to have a tenuous grip on reality – apparently he is the sole architect of the recovery that the Country has managed to build up, in spite of the alleged damage that the “evil Tories” have tried to wreak through “punishing the poor”. Their lousy performance in the polls is clearly because the dumb Electorate can’t see just how brilliant he is.

  4. Robin Hood, according to the story, was in the business of returning money that had been stolen in taxes to its rightful owners. So the idea that he was robbing the rich and giving the proceeds to the poor is slightly inaccurate.

  5. The problem with keep upping taxes on the rich is if the politicians don’t watch it the all piss off abroad where tax is less or they use these tax avoidance scams everyone takes issue with because they get so sick of being bombarded with more theft.
    Clegg is a typical liberal politician. what really annoys me the most about liblab is they pretend they are on the side of the low paid when really they are just out for themselves but they assume if they batter the rich the more lowly will be impressed this of course is utter nonsense. The conservatives are not worth mentioning any more as they don’t seem to have any clue what they are or what they stand for and are making up stuff on a daily basis just because it sounds like it could swing them a few votes, they are at least consistent on bashing the poor and keeping the rich happy. It seems since reckless’s defection they have slipped into melt down and reached infant playground behaviour in the space of less than 2 days.
    Where Millipedes behaviour was concerning during the Labour conference Camoron and Boris seem to have past concerning and are into men in white coats mode. What the hell just when you think these losers can’t get any worse up the pop with another totally twisted and ludicrous idea making themselves look more mental than the last time they opened their mouths.

  6. “£1.5bn, which would be used to reduce the national debt”

    Good show! The £1.43 trillion national debt goes up by that much every month, so this extra shakedown could really set us on the road to recovery. Maybe they could also tackle the £120bn deficit or the £71bn annual interest payments.

  7. Tell you what, they say charity begins at home. Maybe Clegg should lead by example?

    To fund the NHS “crisis” the British Taxpayer should rinse the rich, starting with a windfall tax on a certain Miriam González Durántez, aka Mrs Nick Clegg. She’s absolutely f**king loaded with millions and millions, so an 85% haircut of all assets should be good for starters. Not only that but she’s a lawyer and we all hate those bastards don’t we?

    Let Mr Clegg taste what he is dishing out on those with substantially fewer tens of millions than he has at his personal disposal before he lectures the rest of us. After all Nick the HNS needs it, there’s no spending cuts to be found anywhere in £730 billion of Government spending, and you’re a do-right kinda guy right?

    Right… of course. No chance that Clegg is sermonising from his fluffy cloud, that he is a stinking hypocrite and liar, who will say anything to the 40 libdems who attended his conference this week to get applause, whilst never actually doing a hard day’s work in his bloody life and marrying a woman who’s made a shitload of money lawyering in the European Union at our (taxpayer’s) expense… perish the thought…

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