
Andrew Brown talks bollocks at CiF. Well,are we surprised?

It is a trope among people who loathe and fear Islam that their fear and loathing has nothing in common with racism because Islam is not a race, the implication being that hating Muslims is rational and wise whereas hating black people is deeply irrational and stupid.

Some people who claim that Islam is profoundly evil will also say that they bear Muslims no ill will but I don’t think they are telling the truth. It is really difficult and indeed psychologically unnatural to claim that you hate an ideology without hating the people in whose lives it is expressed.

Then you are a fuckwit extraordinaire. I despise religion in all its forms, yet get along with religious people perfectly well. Indeed, I like them. I just don’t like the ideology. And yes, being an intelligent person, I can and do separate the two. No cognitive dissonance necessary. And, no, Islam is not a fucking race and no, Muslims are not all brown people and, no, it is not psychologically unnatural unless you are a moron, yes, yet again; drivel from Brown. Idiot!


  1. The Guardian, as a matter of editorial policy, hates conservative political ideology. We can therefore deduce that the Guardian hates approximately half the population of the UK. That is to say… it hates the people themselves, as individuals… not merely the things they believe in.

    Good to know.

  2. The man is an idiot, it’s quite logical to loath an ideology and not it’s people, it’s more unnatural to loath the people of an ideology they were born and indoctrinated into.
    When we went to war with Germany we loathed what Hitler stood for and what he was trying to do we didn’t lothe and blame the vast majority of Germany’s population who were swept up in the events just as we were.
    Clearly this man is another who considers himself more educated than the rest of us.

  3. So, I’m not blocked. Good to know, thanks.

    I feel rather sorry for some of the Muslims I know who are only trying to better themselves and their families. To uproots and travel half way round the world is a brave thing to do. Let’s give those who deserve it the credit they are due. Whilst doing that can we treat the primitive accordingly and be permitted to speak of them in honest words? Their misfortune is to adhere to a religion which has not yet had its renaissance, as has Christianity.

    • Correction:
      Their misfortune is to adhere to a religion which has not yet had its renaissance, a fucking good kicking, as has Christianity.
      The real torture & intolerance & mass-murder in christainity was AFTER M Luther & J Calvin.
      Of course, islam has it’s own internal bloody fights, anyway.

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