We Are The Enemy


Matthew Richards travelled 25 miles to see a falconry display at Puxton Park, near Weston-super-Mare, but was unable to view the show because of the rule, which is enforced supposedly to protect children.

There are no words…

So, a man on his own is a kiddie fiddler – because that is what these vile people are saying. We are so obsessed with molesting children that we must be accompanied. Except, of course, it is not  we who are obsessed, is it? The bond of trust that once existed between us has been broken. The people responsible should be hanged with their own entrails; so  vile, so evil is their doctrine of hate and mistrust. Paedophiles – the real deal – are far and few between. The predatory paedophile who preys on strangers is rarer still, but never mind the reality, the fear that has been stoked by the scum peddling this myth has taken hold. We are all suspects now.

Of course, their gaff, their rules, but I’d be damned if I ever grace the place with or without nieces  or nephews.


  1. as a 49 year old happily single ( been there done that), no kids . I would like to go to places like Disneyland, Universal Studios etc, but never have, as I am concerned I might be profiled as a Paedo.

  2. The lunatic running this park should stand for parliament for either of the main three, he’d be leader in no time.

  3. What a sorry comment on what has happened to a once-sound society.

    As a keen photographer, I’m aware there are places/times where I’m better off not taking photos – unless I want to be confronted by some crop-headed tattooed knuckle-dragger (and that’s just the mother!) wanting to know why I’m photographing angelic little Duwayne or Deneeze. Invariably the ‘little darling’ in question is as photogenic as a rat’s arse, and I wouldn’t waste film or memory-card space, but “Photograph that? You must be effin’ joking” as a response seems to go over the heads of some of these neanderthals..

    Yes, I know my rights (and the law) regarding photography in public places, but it just isn’t worth engaging with these indignant cretins.

  4. Is there an actual law which supports this or is it just another attention whoring pseudo gestapo (aka council) with fuck all else to do making up “laws” as they go along?

    It really does make you want to stop living, not that there are politcally motivated wasters who propose this sort of thing but the fact that a large proportion – quite possibly a majority by now – who would support this.

  5. I should have followed the link first. If this is a private park then their gaff their rules I suppose. Not that this is any real mitigation for the horrific underlying assumptions.

    • PJH, why am i not surprised.

      Christ’s sake but i want a time machine to transport me back to some semblance of normality, with all its faults, anything but the present shite.

  6. There is always the Public Order Act where the companys representative could be held to cause “harassment, alarm, or distress” in refusing entry by suggesting the customer may be a paedophile. I know I’d be upset if someone suggested I might be one. If the leaflet did not mention this condition of entry I would suggest there’d be a case to answer.

  7. Correct
    IIRC – you say: “Section FIVE Public Order Act” & fuck right off, areshole …. Followed by … “You want to call the police, feel free, & I will have YOU arrested…”
    Sooner or later this will happen, & then we shall have some fun (fo certain values of “fun” as Pterry would say)!

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