A Klass Act

Myleen Klass skewers the egregious Miliband. She’s a joy to watch – “you can’t just point at something and tax it”. That is precisely what these evil creatures want to do. It never occurs to them to stop pissing money up the wall. It never occurs to them to close down wasteful and unnecessary government departments, quangos, fake charities – indeed, stop funding the entire third sector including all foreign aid. When they have done that, and skimmed the state to only that which is essential and nothing else, can they then start to look at just how much they should be fleecing off us. But no, increasing the amount of theft is the only language they know and having someone challenge them openly is nice to see. A Klass act indeed. We need more like her to make the incompetent, kleptomaniac buffoon realise that his brand of politics is pure poison.

“I totally understand that people don’t like paying more in tax,” Miliband replied. “The values of my government are going to be different to the values of this government.”

We know what your values are, you evil little moron, we lived though thirteen years of incompetence and treachery combined with outright theft and I for one never want to see you step over the threshold of Number Ten. And, no, we don’t like the idea of giving you even more of our money. What we would like is for you to stop fucking spending it like it’s going out of fashion. Cut your cloth and then come with a begging bowl – and I for one will tell you to cut your cloth some more. Only when you are naked, begging in the streets, would I ever think of giving you a groat or two. The government has had far too much of my money already it does not deserve more and should not get it.


  1. Damn right and well ranted. What the hell is Gideon spending this 120 billion of borrowings on top of the huge amount of direct and indirect taxes he levies? He and Bliar/Brown have messed up at least two future generations as well as us with their profligacy.

  2. If you think the Government spends far too much money there’s not really much electoral choice is there?

    You’ve got the lying bastards who promise to control spending and then increase it, you’ve got the bastards who aspire to tax and spend even more of it, and you’ve got the Liberal Democrats – who the fuck knows what they believe in?

    And they’re all confused why Farage is doing so well in the polls…

  3. Most amusing of all has been the frothing of lefties on Twitter declaring her to be a ‘rich celebrity we shouldn’t listen to, as she doesn’t understand ordinary people!’ who have forgotten their support for Russell Brand only a few days ago… *evil chuckle*

    • Quite so. She’s the ordinary girl who made good but – and this is the corker – she has the temerity to think that the money she has earned is actually hers, the hussy.

  4. There are arguments for a “mansion tax” (I personally don’t accept them) but Millipede doesn’t even try. He just bangs on about the national religion (aka NHS) and how it just needs more and more and more, and ties this tawdry vote whoring to it.

    He could answer her question as to why the NHS is in such a state and why the only answer is tax, tax, tax.

    But that would be an actual political debate wouldn’t it.

  5. Mind you, you can (Yes, it is possible ) to go too far the other way – look at the US state of Kansas.
    Where, admittedly, it’s not libertarians in charge, just ultra-right rethuglicans, trying to tell women what to do with their bodies & closing down schools & libraries – oh & giving tax cuts to the rich, oops.

    As for the NHS huge amounts are wasted in administrative incompetence at the lowest level ( I’ve seen it recently )
    But, of course, no-one is looking at that, are they?
    Both tories & labour are looking at “management” solutions, which means expensive consultants, the fuckwits ….

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