
Further to this. This.

This, I think, is my main objection to Band Aid 30: it is all predicated on a belief that the British public are mean-spirited and uncharitable, when in actual fact nothing could be further from the truth. It’s time the likes of Geldof stopped asking us to give money, and like Adele, started donating some themselves. Charity, after all, begins at home.

It’s nice to see someone in the MSM saying what many of us are thinking. The attempt to publicly shame Adele was appalling and is the kind of bullying that is used to extract money from us in the name of charity. Anyone who tries to get me to give to their charity receives a flat refusal from me. I will give in my own good time to those causes I agree with – not yours, not Geldof’s not the chuggers in the street. And, yes, charity begins at home.


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