Jumping the Shark

I’m going all Julia here. This really is the police making idiots of themselves.

A man has been warned by police after driving around Leeds with a tailboard sticker depicting a bound and hooded woman.

The image creates the impression a woman has been tied up and is lying in the back of the pick-up.

West Yorkshire Police warned James Hellewell the picture could be considered a public order offence.

He agreed to remove it, apologising on Twitter “for any offence”, adding that it had been “truly a joke”.

Oh, for fuck’s fucking fuckitty fuck’s sake. It’s a sticker for crying out loud. Yup, it’s tasteless. It is not a public order offence and the  police getting involved – as opposed to telling the  “concerned member of the public” who reported it to royally fuck themselves and stop wasting police time, really does tell us the force is run by cretins. And apologising, for fuck’s sake. When will people get it – never give in to the twitter-mob bullies and never, never, never apologise as it only encourages them to come back for more. Jesus!

It was clear that a number of people had found the image offensive and had been alarmed and distressed by it being displayed in public.

Then they need to learn to grow up and stop being such thin-skinned crybabies and the police should be robust enough to tell them so instead of pandering to them.


  1. Policemen are too young to remember the 1980s fad for fake arms and legs made of foam rubber sticking out of car boots (trunks in US). Nobody thought to complain then, if they had done the police would gently make them go away. We are far too feminised, or infantilised, or both.

  2. Totally agree with Andy. When I get a car I’m going to dress up some dummies in burkhas and chain them to the bumpers. I’d like to see any copper nicking ME as I drag them through the streets.

  3. Anyone willing to bet that the Police don’t actually have a single complaint to support this at all – that it was all just them being plonkers (as opposed to plodders)?

  4. Perhaps he should simply add a slogan. Something along the lines of ‘This is what the police should be stopping’ or ‘Council leaders should be preventing this’?

  5. Not unlike the fiasco over the knitted black gorilla hanging in some women’s window a few days ago. She told the plastic plods to fuck off (albeit in a more polite way).

  6. What you should be looking out for is when a member of the offense einsatzgruppen damages a car or something because some aspect of it “offends” them and what is euphemistically called the “law” blames it on the owner. Only a matter of time methinks.

    • ye, of COURSE!

      “You had the utter cheek to live in the same town as a fully payed up member of the “Offendiratti!”

    • That reminds me of the time students were going around town pulling cigarettes out of peoples’ mouths. A smack in the kisser awaits anyone who tries that on me. I think that may have been a Julia post.

  7. Like the “sensitive complaints” made about an effigy of Alex fat Salmond being towed through the streets of Lewes at bonfire!

  8. It does look like a tied-up person and could lead to false alarms but it doesn’t seem to be an offence per se. A bit like the aforementioned joke arms sticking out of a car boot. No law against it but daft given the Dibble-isation of society.

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