All Over the World…

Yeah, apparently atheists are being persecuted all over the world. The Indy even conveniently shows us a picture of the atheist bus posters so that we know just who is persecuting us.

Atheists and humanists are increasingly being targeted as distinct minorities in “hate campaigns” across the globe, according to a new report which found that religious and political leaders are ratcheting up rhetoric against those who believe there is no God.

The report claims that the “hate speech” against atheists does not come exclusively from reactionary or radical religious leaders, but increasingly from political leaders, including heads of state.

The Freedom of Thought report, published by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), states: “In 2014, in addition to laws such as those targeting ‘apostasy’ and ‘blasphemy’, we have seen a marked increase in specific targeting of ‘atheists’ and ‘humanism’ as such, using these terms in a broadly correct way (the users know what they are saying) but with intent clearly borne of ignorance or intolerance toward these groups.”

So, it must be all those Christians being offended by the bus posters, then. And the PM must be making hate speeches demanding that we be killed. No? Oh…

When you read through, you realise that they are really talking about Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt et al. In other words, Islamic theocracies. So, not “all across the globe” at all. Just the ignorant, backward shit-holes that are run by Islamic nut jobs (although in Egypt,  the Christians are jumping on the bandwagon – hoping, perhaps to deflect the tyrant against another, which always turns out well). So, the usual suspects, in other words.

And this is news?


  1. Isn’t it strange? Faith is said to be stronger than the sword, faith gives us strength. That’s why we have all of those early Christian martyrs giving their lives for their faith. Yet, with all this faith possessed by the faithful, aren’t they behaving a tad unfaithful in their intolerance of opposing ideas?

  2. You are 90% (at least) correct.
    And yes, yawn, the chirstians here are jumping up-&-down on “Miltant secularists” who are “Militantly” pointing-out that BigSkyFairy doesn’t exist.
    Then there’s greasy-dago bishop Georgie Gigolo (masqerading as “pope Francis”) getting on the sme bandwagon, too ….

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