No, Because it’s a Strawman

The intellectual desert that is British journalism continues apace. The furore over Nigel Farage’s comments last week ripple still. And still, what he said is being deliberately misinterpreted. Farage did not suggest women not breastfeed in public. He did mention, however, the “their gaff, their rules” point – a principle that no longer applies in our new, enlightened, progressive world. He also mentioned – perfectly reasonably – that maybe a little discretion is in order. After all, it seems that when men ogle a woman’s breasts, this is not okay, but it is okay if she flops one out for all to see in order to breastfeed. Maybe, just maybe, fellow diners would prefer not to have this spectacle when having a meal. But we aren’t allowed to say this anymore. ‘Cos it’s natural. Yeah, lots of things are natural – but we don’t necessarily do ’em in public places.

So, given that whatever he said to the question he was asked, he was never going to win, we get this  kind of risible nonsense being trotted out in the Guardian.

Renaissance art rejoices in breastfeeding. Does the Ukip leader think all the paintings of Madonna and child should be banished from UK galleries?

Of course not, you moron, because your whole article is a massive strawman. Farage didn’t say what you accuse him of saying – nowhere did he suggest breastfeeding be banned, so your article merely makes the point that either you are very, very stupid or very, very mendacious – possibly both.


  1. I’ve be meaning to have a crap in a modern art gallery for some time now, and the Guardian piece has convinced me that my action could easily be viewed as an art form, possibly even winning me the Turner prize.

  2. We’ve got bloody months of this nitpicking rubbish to endure ‘tween now and May.

    Not to worry crap like this will keep the proletariat’s eyes from swivelling round in time to the National Debt Clock.

  3. I came here to your site directly after reading an article at fredoneverything blog. His article pointed out the differences between mainstream media and online reportage. The article made me think of you. (fawning embarrassment)

  4. “…very stupid or very, very mendacious – possibly both…”

    Sounds like a fair general description of the Grauniad.

  5. same with Farage’s joke about the M4. What is the matter with the people who take umbrage at a silly joke? We plebs can see it for what it was. Why cannot the aristo Establishment Elite?

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