Blue Labour

If you thought you could get more than a fag paper between the lying, thieving, tax and spend Labour Party and the, er, lying, thieving tax and spend Tories, well, Osborne crushed any thoughts on that score.

I’ll be travelling to France later this year to celebrate the 600th anniversary of Azincourt.  What I don’t expect is for anyone else to pay for it.

Announcement: Extra money for commemorating the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt

This going to cost £1m of our money. Oh, there’s more where that came from, for we have deep pockets and scumbag politicians are just waiting to raid them. The Internet of things, for example – oh, no, we can’t leave that to private enterprise to develop and for people to pay for those things they want and need, George Osborne has kindly donated forty fucking million pounds of your money for the project. Nice of him to ask, eh?

I could go on, but my blood pressure is rising. This vile charlatan is no better than the Balls-up on the opposite benches. A thief who thinks that our money is his to piss up the wall as he sees fit. Meanwhile this country is steeped in debt due to the profligacy of these  people. Hang them. Hang them all and put their head on spikes outside Traitors’ Gate pour encourages les autres.


  1. Oh, I dunno…. lots of people who JUST HAPPENED to have brought their bows with them for a proper historical enactment on one side and a bunch of chinless tossers with plummy voices(looking remarkably like French Knights) on the other.
    What could possibly go wrong…..
    “I say George, why are all those peasant chaps standing about with bows”

    • It doesn’t. The field is still there. They have a visitor centre and the whole thing is well advertised with prominent signs on all the local roads. When it comes to the re-enactments, the French are enthusiastic participants.

      After all, Henry was from the Plantagenet dynasty and they were French…

  2. Not to mention doling out money to fix church roofs. And the minor matter of that £12 billion or whatever it is on “foreign aid”.

    This is why we don’t get libertarian governments. Well one reason anyway. It’s just so much damned fun spending other peoples money.

    • Quite. Let the church pay for its own roofs. Or will the church pay for mine if it needs repair? And foreign aid should be stopped. Completely.

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