Something We Don’t Know?

I have been studying medical research for many years, and the single most outstanding thing I have learned is that many medical “facts” are simply not true.

Well, yes, many of us have been pointing this out for a while now. However, what makes this interesting is that it is a mainstream rag publishing it.

If you are a man, it has virtually become gospel that drinking more than 21 units of alcohol a week is damaging to your health. But where did the evidence to support this well-known “fact” come from?

The answer may surprise you. According to Richard Smith, a former editor of the British Medical Journal, the level for safe drinking was “plucked out of the air”.

Yeah, we were saying  this ten years ago. Nothing new here, but will people take notice and just for once, tell the charlatans of public health to  fuck off and die? Preferably painfully.

Despite the fact that study after study has demonstrated quite clearly that “overweight” people live the longest, no one can bring themselves to say: “Sorry, we were wrong. A BMI between 25 and 29 is the healthiest weight of all. For those of you between 20 and 25, I say, eat more, become healthier.” Who would dare say such a thing? Not anyone with tenure at a leading university, that’s for sure.

Indeed so. But it’s time people did. Loudly. It’s time we stopped the taxpayer funding to the single interest lobby groups that peddle the lies and demands for more taxes and restrictions on our lifestyle choices.

Hang them. Hang them all.



  1. “…It’s time we stopped the taxpayer funding to the single interest lobby groups that peddle the lies and demands for more taxes and restrictions on our lifestyle choices…”

    That would include pretty well all political parties, too.

  2. No mention (natch), of the junk-science anti-smoking “studies” which started all this off, way before the idea of anti-booze or anti-fat had even become a twinkle in the control freaks’ eyes. I suppose it’s a kind of positive sign that an article critical of any “expert” views has been allowed to see the light of day in a major newspaper, particularly in the uber-consensus-loving Indie (“Go against the grain? Us? Never!”), but all the time they continue just to scratch the surface by only looking at the new science/fiction kids on the block, without looking back to see where the rot started all they’re doing is the journalistic equivalent of putting an Elastoplast over a deeply infected wound.

    But then, maybe a challenge to the Sacred Cow that is All Things Anti-Smoking would be just a step too far for the average Indie reader. Brainwashing takes time to undo, I guess …

  3. “That would include pretty well all political parties, too.”

    Happily, political parties don’t get any taxpayer funding.


    • My taxes fund their lifestyles, their excessive pensions, their duck-houses, their PR puffery etc. etc.

      And I deeply resent every single fucking penny!

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