Arrogant, Self Righteous…

Fucking arsehole. How dare you. How fucking dare you!?!

Tony Blair: public can’t be trusted to make ‘sensible choice’ on EU

This sums up their  contempt for us. That contempt is reciprocated tenfold on my part. There are no words to adequately convey just how much I hate these bastards. I am perfectly capable of making a sensible decision  on the EU – chop it off at the knees. Remove ourselves from its poisonous grip. Free us up to make our own laws, to control our own  borders and to stop paying for the gravy train that keeps scumbag politicians and officials in the manner to which they have become accustomed.

As for Blair, the public – if trusted –  wouldn’t have gone to war in Iraq. History tells us that we would have been right on that, too.


  1. Yes LR, but the public voted Blair in several times.

    Based on that, methinks he does have a point…

  2. I’m with Ted on this one. Blair is an odious, self-seeking piece of biohazard, yet the greater public bought into the lies. Several times. It was only when the even more damaging Brown bulled him out that sense was seen.

    Although Cameron hasn’t been that great a success, but marginally less of a disaster than Blair. But not by much.

  3. Is there no end to our misery, just when you thought it was safe to go out, Lucifer rises once again.

    Conjured up to weave his evil spell on his previously adoring utterly sheep like electorate once again, programmed to awaken sub conscious hypnotically embedded yearnings of returning the bastard to power?

    It’s like a recurring nightmare from the depths of a hellish night, that smug self righteous goblin grinning fiendishly among his hand picked acolytes and ill gotten gains as the world turns to shit about you.

  4. I would take a chain-saw to the UK’s ties to the EU and likewise to Bliar’s legs.
    As for Slot-Gob, his missus, sawn-off shotguns at five paces would be mercifull.

  5. FFS we’re hardly in the EU. No Schengen, no Euro, opt-outs, etc. If it wasn’t for greedy bastard lawyers we’d have all the benefits and none of the downside. You’re looking in the wrong direction. And as far as immigration is concerned if the pols & the UKBA did their job we wouldn’t have a problem there either.

  6. Blair, like all politicians, speaks only with forked tongue. “Sensible” for whom, I wonder? Oh, yes – “sensible” for the likes of him and his ilk with their megalomaniac, self-important arrogance, and with their beady eyes on a cushy position within the arms of the EU monster once their political careers here in the UK have ended. Blair himself is a classic example of this. It’s notable that whenever one of these weasels come out with one of these “can’t trust the people to …” type of comments, they never make reference to the fact that whatever it is that they DON’T want the public to “be trusted” to make a decision on is always something which would have a very direct, personal, negative impact on themselves and their planned lives, if the decision went “the wrong way.”

    And that’s the problem. Politicians are now so far removed from ordinary members of the public, both in their view of the world and their personal lifestyles and wealth, that what is “sensible” for one side must therefore necessarily be “un-sensible” for the other, and vice-versa. No wonder they’re all so scared about the prospect of an EU referendum. An “out” vote would spell curtains for so many of their cherished ambitions for greatness and glory (and lots of cash) beyond the Westminster bubble. Which, of course, must be one of the best reasons going for having a referendum at all.

    • I agree totally with you, Jax.

      We could take a leaf out of the froggies’ book and brink back Dr. Guillotin’s amusing little invention.

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