1. David Cameron is not a successor to St Margaret Hilda, he’s a populist, statist git. I voted for Maggie, were I still In the UK, I would not vote for Cameron.

  2. “…David Cameron is not a successor to St Margaret Hilda…”

    Nope:- he’s claimed to be “The heir to Blair”. Unfortunately it’s most apt. They’re both arses!

  3. We’re now in what I call the promisory stage in the electoral cycle where the parties try to buy the “what’s in it for me” sector of the electorate, the floaters.
    What the electorate don’t wish to recognise is all the promises are made with funds we don’t have, but nobody cares.
    The government, at this moment, is borrowing in excess of £200-00 PCM for every man woman and child in the country.
    The unfortunate truth is the party that tells the truth, the whole truth, renders itself unelectable, so on we go.

  4. Thatcher was right? You do know that she was no more a small state libertarian than Blair or Brown or Cameron? She was more than happy to spend taxpayers money on her own ideological obsessions. Given her actual record, her comments about socialism running out of other peoples’ money is nothing but a hypocritical refusal to acknowledge her own behaviour.

    • You do know that she was no more a small state libertarian than Blair or Brown or Cameron?

      I never said that she was. The statement, though, is accurate.

        • Longrider said “Margaret Thatcher was right about socialism” which is true. The problem we have is that the populations of western social democracies have grown up with the belief that the state provides. Soft Socialism has won, it is a genie almost impossible to put back in the bottle. You might be able to tinker at the edges, but the majority of people will not buy the notion that they should be self-reliant and personally responsible. Modern politicians have learnt that populism works in a world where many people are happy for their opinions to be formed based on limited and false information such as that provided by the Greens and UK Uncut.

          Here in Australia, facing a budget deficit crisis, nobody wants to lose one cent of taxpayer funded benefits, someone else must pay more tax. The voters of Queensland voted in an inept Labor government because they didn’t want to sell any of “our assets”.

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