Green taxes are set to be cut further, the BBC has learnt.
A cabinet source has said that a “big reset” on subsidies paid by consumers, which push up household energy bills, is coming in the autumn.
“There is a hardening view in the cabinet that we’ve got to deal with green subsidies,” the source added.
Last month, the government announced that new onshore wind farms would be excluded from a subsidy scheme from April next year.
Within a few weeks, the solar power industry is expecting its subsidies will be cut.
Although this is good news, it doesn’t go anywhere near far enough. There shouldn’t be any subsidies. If the technology is viable, it will succeed and people will be willing to pay for it. That it needs subsidies suggests that it isn’t. And, frankly, I fail to see why I should subsidise people who have solar panels on their roof – which is what this amounts to. Let them pay the full cost if they want them.
“frankly, I fail to see why I should subsidise people who have solar panels on their roof”
You’re saving the planet of course.
Saving the planet from what? Near-Earth Objects? How do solar panels help with that?
People don’t tend to realise what it is. In essence It’s the ability of people who can already afford their energy bills being subsidised by people who can’t.
That’s the way everything seems to work, these days.
I look forward to hearing what the cuts in subsidies (AKA ‘tax brakes’) are coming to the nuclear and coal powered electricity generating industry – who we not only subsidise heavily but get to pay to clean up afterwards as well.
Please tell us exactly what “subsidies” the coal powered generating industry receives, an example or two would be helpful with sources. I typical green blanket slur just doesn’t cut it I’m afraid.
Thank you.
A tax brake or a tax break? Bring to a stop or grant an exemption? It would help if you got your facts straight as well as taking a course in English.
Solar panels are supposedly saving us from dangerous climate change Sean. I’m not really sure how intermittent and feeble electricity supplies are supposed to do this exactly but there you go.
A reduction in a very high level of taxation is not the same thing as a subsidy Voyager. A subsidy involves money flowing in the opposite direction to a tax. A lower tax is still a tax and is not remotely the same thing as a subsidy. In any case, coal and nuclear do actually provide a reliable electricity supply.