Longrider’s Law

Every so often this one crops up and I am wearying of it. Margaret Thatcher left office nearly a quarter of a century ago. She is now dead, deceased, no more; history. So can we please get over it? And, frankly, any response to a discussion that is a variation of “yeah, but Thatcher…” really does mean that you forfeit any right to be taken seriously.

So, please, no more Thatcher references to entirely unrelated discussions. I’ve had enough. If you do, I’ll just point and laugh at you.


  1. Some people just have a sort of one-eyed preoccupation with certain things or people, don’t they? Can’t resist shoehorning their own favourite hate-topic into the discussion. It seems to be quite a recent phenomenon, in my view.

    I blame Thatcher for it, personally … 😀

    • Indeed. It is a peculiar phenomenon. Another example can be found here:


      In this case, the obsession is smoking and blogs such as Dick Puddlecote’s. It doesn’t matter what subject is being discussed, this cretin will shoehorn his obsession in.

      With Stephen, it’s Thatcher or the Tories who are to blame for everything. So we get a rant even when it has nothing to do with them – in this case there was a nice little attempted a paedophilia smear, which is pretty low even by his standards of debate. It’s tedious and childish. It makes him come across as a teenage trot.

  2. After Blair and Brown the left have no right to criticise anyone, actually if you think about it, after Atlee, Wilson…….

  3. I want to blame Thatcher for the fact that Spurs didn’t make it to the Champions League this year.

    • I think the blame lies a bit closer to home, Levy and Baldini. Spurs won two FA Cups and the UEFA Cup under St Margaret Hilda (Peace be Upon Her), only Macmillan was a better PM for Spurs, but he wasn’t so great for the country.

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