
The alcohol guidance is cockwaffle.

UK government guidelines on how much alcohol it is safe to drink are unrealistic, largely ignored and should be changed to reflect modern drinking habits, a study has suggested.

Men are currently recommended to drink no more than three or four units a day, and women no more than two or three.

But the study found that the guidelines are largely ignored because most people do not drink every day.

Well, so there’s a turn-up. Also, people ignore them because they are pulled out of the arses of the people who came up with them. They have no basis in science whatsoever. So, yeah, most people just carry on doing as they have always done, and good for them.

Instead they drink heavily at the weekend – in order to get drunk.

What? All of them?

The results suggested that people think the recommended quantities of drink are unrealistic, as they don’t recognise that many people are motivated to drink to get drunk.

Many? Really? Many, I suggest, simply like a drink with their meal or a convivial bevy when out with friends, not to get drunk. Some people like to get drunk, yes, but many?

The study was carried out by researchers from the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies, which includes the universities of Stirling and Sheffield.

Ah,  the usual temperance nutters, then.

The chief medical officers in both England and Scotland are looking at new guidelines to be published next year, and the researchers have been feeding their results to them.

Prof Linda Bauld of the University of Stirling’s Institute for Social Marketing told BBC Scotland that the advice on “safe” alcohol limits was helpful, but needed to be revised.

And she said more emphasis should be put on helping people to drink more sensibly rather than simply telling them what they need to do.

Here’s a thought – radical, I know, but bear with me  on this; how about fucking off and leaving people to decide for themselves how much they want to drink? You never know, it might just work.

Prof Bauld added: “The Scottish government is trying to push forward with pricing measures, for example, we need to look at marketing, we need to look at glass sizes.”

No, we don’t.


  1. As usual with Linda ‘Fancy a Nice Study Dearie’ Bauld, my
    first question is, who the fuck is ‘we’? In common with
    a lot of demi-centenarians, I’ve had an arseful of being
    done to, rather than having my wants taken into

  2. “…UK government guidelines on how much alcohol it is safe to drink are unrealistic…”

    Too many words.

    “…UK government guidelines are unrealistic…”

    There! Fixed it for you.

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