There’s a Word for this

And that word is “theft”.

Jeremy Corbyn has said Labour could restore its historic commitment to public ownership of industry – known as Clause IV – if he were party leader.

The clause, backing “common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange”, was scrapped under Tony Blair in 1995.

Mr Corbyn told the Independent on Sunday Labour “shouldn’t shy away” from public investment in industry.

Don’t you just love the mangling of language here. The taking of an asset from someone who owns it, is now “investment”. To any rational person this is nothing more than rampant theft. Industry does not belong to the public – it belongs to whoever set it up, invested in it and owns the companies that produce it, not the public. And, frankly, the public most certainly should not own it, for the public i.e. the public sector, is piss poor at managing everything it touches. It is wasteful, inefficient and overly bureaucratic. Corbyn is an old-fashioned communist. Communism is vile, evil, repugnant and has no place in any civilised society – the bodies littered over the old USSR were in vain it seems, for no lesson have  been learned. Or, to these people, a mere necessary cost for the end goal of a communist utopia where the little people do as they are told and the commissars and party faithful grow fat on their ill-gotten gains. And if you think Corbyn isn’t one of these nasty, self-serving party apparatchiks, well, someone who has lived under his  regime when he was a councillor will tell you different. Still, if it means Labour going into the dustbin of history, more power to his elbow.

There are those, however, who think this man and his insane ideas are reasonable. All I can say there, is that it says an awful lot about them.  Socialism is a failed ideology. It has been tried and every time it has failed. It fails because at heart it is deeply misanthropic – the piles of bodies (and shortage of toilet rolls) are a testament to that. It needs force in order to work – and then it still doesn’t unless you are one of the party faithful, in which case, it works just fine. After all, you are one of those pulling the triggers – or bossing the little people about. Yet still there are deluded fools who want to impose it upon the rest of us.

They are bullies.

Over my dead body.


  1. A socialist is the man who helps set up a picnic; he brings a knife and fork and someone else brings the pie.

  2. Did you read the comments on the Janet daily piece, A very short one illustrating the M.O. of the left:
    “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; give a man someone else’s fish and he’ll vote for you”

    • More accurately, it would be the time for capital to take flight. Get your wealth well away from his grasping hands.

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