Oh, Those Naughty Oldies!

Not doing what Nanny tells them.

One in five people over 65 who drink is consuming an “unsafe” level of alcohol, say researchers.

Well, given that the health Nazis, prohibitionists and temperance puritans would have us believe that there is no safe alcohol limit, this is hardly surprising.

Thing is, having reached such an age, people are probably inclined to feel that a tipple or two (or three, or four) isn’t going to make that much difference anyway, as they can see a cloaked figure out of the corner of their eye anyway. And, the older you get, the less inclined you are to worry about mortality. It is what it is and we go when we go. Might as well enjoy the ride while we can. And for some, that means a drink or two.

For older people, the report said, drinking more than the recommended amount carried an additional risk of confusion and falls.

Oh, please! If you imbibe enough, this will happen regardless of age. The older you are, the more practised you become…

National guidelines advise no more than 14 units of alcohol a week for women and 21 units a week for men.

And they are  cockwaffle with absolutely no basis in science or fact. They were plucked out of the ether, so best disregarded as the fantasy that they are. Yet still we are bombarded with this crap as if it is in some way representative of some sort of truth, as opposed to a great big fat lie.

Having this information is especially important for older drinkers so that they can make informed decisions about their alcohol consumption at a time of life when risks of ill health often increase.

An informed decision is one where we tell the nanny state and its parasitic hangers-on in public health to fuck right off and leave us all alone.


  1. I love coming here, its just so bloody common sense reassuring, it’s like listening to me old dad again, straight no frills honest truth, no grey its either black or bloody white, i bet any politician ending up here by mistake would need years of treatment to get over it..
    The standard fuck off issued to busybodies etc leaves me with a warm glow in me old ticker.
    Just off to open a bottle..hic


  2. As a life member of CAMRA ( My original membership no was 1003. ) & a lover of decent vino ( Though I can no longer afford Chateaux Haut Brion ) & an appreciator of some whiskies … yes well.
    IN fact, I think I’m off for a beer quite soon ….
    P.S. I’ve already had this out with self-important uninformed nannies, who were told exactly what to do with their fake advice.

  3. My 68 year old brother bikes six miles to the pub drinks approx a gallon of beer and cycles home done it for years, i at the moment am finishing a litre of martini bytheway i,m 66

  4. I’m older and drink more. It’s because I can. Now I’m retired i don’t have to worry about stupid drinking levels at my place of work(24/7 on ships). Now I can drink what I’m comfortable at the time.

  5. My 60+ parents certainly won’t be taking any notice of this. Their attitude is generally one of we’ve all got to die of something so why worry and we might as well enjoy ourselves on the way out. That said, both of them are expecting to be around for another couple of decades or longer yet.

  6. Life. n. – The occasionally enjoyable period between birth and death filled with irritating idiots who insist, without any supporting evidence, on telling you what to do, how to live, and why you should totally become a vegan dude.

    Death. n. – Something that’s only a problem for the living. The dead, by definition, don’t care.

  7. “For older people, the report said, drinking more than the recommended amount carried an additional risk of confusion and falls.”

    This made me laugh out loud, drinking so much that I got confused and fell down was something that I did in my teens and haven’t done much since. At nearly 57 I only drink in moderation, probably within the puritans guidelines even. Not that I can be bothered to check.

  8. Ah, the usual drivel from the health fascists. They just cannot seem to get their head around the very simple fact that its MY life and I do with it exactly what I please, so if I want to get totally bladdered over the weekend then that is my business and nobody else’s. Then again, I might not want to – but that’s MY decision – not theirs. Arseholes.

    Sean – loved your definition of Life and Death – brilliant

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