public health

Doing the Right Thing
Reversing a smoking ban. New Zealand’s new government says it plans to scrap the nation’s world-leading smoking ban to fund tax cuts. The legislation, introduced […]

Public Health?
Via Timmy, this little gem. We’ve got Dry January for anyone tempted to try alcohol abstinence and Stoptober for smokers who want to quit. Now, Scroll […]

Grandparents Cause Cancer
Yeah, really, there’s been a study… Grandparents are a potential health hazard for children and may even increase their risk of cancer, say scientists. They […]

D Lightful
Rickets is a nasty condition. Lack of vitamin D and all that. Problem for you? No, me neither… So why…? Everyone should consider taking vitamin […]

Obesity Crisis. What Crisis?
According to the health Nazis and various public health parasites and charlatans, we have an obesity crisis engulfing children. Thousands of children in England started […]