And Me!

…a crew cut was a mark of being normal, while seeing long hair as out of the ordinary is something that’s never gone away, from the hippies onwards. On TV, there’s only Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen and me!

Okay, I’m not on TV – but what about Noel Fielding? I’ve tried short hair. Didn’t last long. I hated it, so grew  it out again and am much more comfortable. I also happen to agree with Oliver on nationalists – in this case the rather hyper-sensitive and aggressive Scottish variety, who seem to think that everything is the fault of the English.


  1. With regard to hair I went the opposite way to yourself, I had long hair up until 1981 and then had it cut short. Long hair didn’t suit me and was a pain. I much prefer it short and now shave my head completely, very low maintenance. It has always been a mystery to me why some baldies have comb-overs, I really don’t understand who they imagine that they are fooling, other than themselves that is, and I’ve always been too polite to ask.

  2. I don’t have much. That is part of the reason that I started cutting it short and eventually shaving it off altogether. Going bald on my own terms.

  3. In the early 70s, at least in my neck of the woods, a crew cut was seen as being a skinhead, not as being normal. Long(ish) hair was seen as being normal.

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