
Most people in Europe are too fat, according to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Really? looking around me playing “spot the fat bastard” I frequently find myself giving up. The real world does not coincide with WHO’s analysis. But, then, that could be because they are duplicitous cunts.

It said 59% of the population were either overweight or obese.

Yup, duplicitous cunts. These are two different things. Overweight is not obese and being overweight is not detrimental to health. So, er, there isn’t a problem. Those that are obese have it within their grasp to do something about it if they so choose. If they choose not, so be it.

Its European Health Report also said the WHO Europe region, which includes parts of Asia, had the highest levels of alcohol and tobacco use in the world.

So what?

And as a result, WHO officials warned, young people in the region “may not live as long as their grandparents”.

Only recently we were told that millennials will be living to be centenarians. Make your fucking minds up.

However, it also warned that 30% of the region still smoked – a higher figure than for any other region.

So what?

And an average alcohol consumption equivalent to 11 litres (20 pints) of pure alcohol a year was also a global high.

Hands up who drinks pure alcohol. Anyone? No? Oh… So, bollocks on stilts, then.

Meanwhile, the proportion of people either overweight or obese ranged from 45% to 67%.

So which is which, then? Again, make your minds up. Overweight is not detrimental to health, whereas being obese is. By conflating the two, these charlatans are making out that the non-problem is worse than it actually isn’t. In common parlance,  this is called “lying”.

The report said these figures were “alarmingly high”.

Only because you have massaged the figures by conflating two different things. That is, you lied.

But there is a very real risk that these gains will be lost if smoking and alcohol consumption continue at the current rate.

That really is none of your business.

This is especially relevant to young people, who may not live as long as their grandparents.

So millennials won’t be  living to 100, then?



  1. In other news, many people insist that strapping two planks of wood to your feet before hurling yourself down the side of a mountain at speed is a perfectly sane pastime.

    And let’s not forget those who believe tying a rubber band to your feet then jumping of a bridge (or cliff) is also equally sane.

    Belting around the Isle of Man on a motorbike at bollock-wobbling speeds is also, apparently, perfectly acceptable. Fine. No problemo.

    But drinking fermented grape juice, or smoking some leaves in a paper tube? HOLY CRIMINY! JESUS HORATIO FOGHARTY CHRIST! HEAVENS TO BETSY, EVEN! ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?! HOW VERY DARE YOU!

    Homo Sapiens: Failing to understand the meaning of “sapiens” since Latin was invented.

  2. 11 litres of pure alcohol is 3 units a day. it is within their guidelines. So no problem. Except in their restricted minds.

  3. Don’t be surprised if the WHO quietly lower the BMI bollocks for overweight and obese thresholds another few points and then declare the problem is worsening in a year or twos time.

  4. That pure alcohol guff reminds me of a TV ad that was trying to claim that eating a bag of crisps every day was like drinking a 2 litre bottle of cooking oil once a year.

    • I’d forgotten about that one. Both are classic examples of scaremongering by trying to make something that is low risk appear high risk by twisting things out of all recognition. No one drinks pure alcohol and no one drinks cooking oil, so, er, no problem, then.

  5. Bollocks on stilts as you so perceptively observe, Longy!
    Like you, I occasionally go ‘fatty watching;’ I sat outside our local Tesco -I live in a North Country ex-miming area – and examined the local fauna, only one in twenty of whom were what I’d called ‘obese.’ Plenty of chubbies, but that was always the case and a mark of general prosperity in the past.
    As for the W.H.O., they can just fuck right off.

  6. “As for the W.H.O., they can just fuck right off.”
    But they won’t will they and our useless government will suck up and implement everything they have to say.
    To me it’s part and parcel of the desire for a OWG and it’s going at some pace.
    We are going to end up where everything is forbidden unless proscribed. Sometimes I’m glad I’m old.

  7. Hang on, hang on! We oldies drank like fishes, smoked like chimneys and ate everything that these days is, apparently, bad for you! and, no doubt, continue to do so. YET with smoking and drinking decreasing and people concious of their ‘lifestyles’ (we are reliably informed) our grandkids MAY not live as long as us?

    Erm….. my head hurts.

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