Fucking Hellski!

What the fucking fuckitty-fuck?

A woman in Germany is being evicted from her home of 23 years to make way for asylum-seekers, in the second such case to emerge.

Gabrielle Keller has been given until the end of the year to leave her flat in the small southern town of Eschbach, near the border with France.

The flat belongs to the local municipality, which says it is needed to house refugees.

So a paying tenant is being kicked out of her home to  make way for refugees. I realise that Germany has a history in this area, but Jeebus!

Towns and cities across Germany are struggling to find accommodation for the tens of thousands of refugees streaming into the country.

Given this, perhaps they should have opted for the Hungarian solution. It’s one thing to take people in if you have the space,but if it means kicking people out of their homes, something is terribly, terribly wrong.

“The council hasn’t taken a frivolous decision,” he told Welt newspaper. “The alternative would have been to set up beds in the gym.”

Er, set up beds in the gym, then. When it means kicking local people out of their homes, a line is crossed. Charity begins at home. If you can’t put them up, don’t take them. There is something deeply wicked happening here. This is not a refugee crisis, nor is it migration. It is an invasion by an alien, hostile culture. Frau Keller is merely the latest victim.


  1. I’ve said this for years, and it’ll come here too, wait and see if it don’t.

    In another few years they’ll be coming up with allocated living space, if you’re not an apparatchik or part of the establishment, and you’re home (even if you own it) is deemed to be too big for you, it will be re-allocated to those more needy.
    We saw the first salvo with the so called bedroom tax, with much accompanying propaganda aimed at benefit scroungers..conveniently grouping them in with working class older folk (who’ve done their bit and worked and paid all their lives) who might well have lived in and paid for that house all their lives, widow(er)s often enough just seeing out their days quietly in their homes of umpteen years.

    There are some truly evil bastards running our countries now, and i’m especially fucked off with the lemming electorate who keep voting for the same cunts time after time, WTF is wrong with people.

    My mrs vows if they try to take our house, we worked bloody hard (too hard) and bought a nice place, they’re welcome to a pile of ashes, she bloody means it too.

    • … and Labour bangs on about the evil Tories’ bedroom tax but stays schtum about the fact that they introduced the bedroom tax for private rented housing two years before the Tories applied it to social housing.

    • I keep thinking of that scene in Dr Zhivago. If Angela Merkel wants to offer refugees a place in her home, that’s fine. To force other people out of theirs is diabolical. And given Germany’s form on this, you’d think they wouldn’t want a repeat…

    • Judd, your second para makes sense only if the ‘bedroom tax’ was a real tax but it’s not. It’s a benefit cut.

      So it isnt affecting anyone who isn’t suckling at the state teat.

  2. A commenter on a Daily Express article provided a link to a video in which residents of a housing complex were interviewed after being told that they’d be evicted in order to house ‘refugees’. I was incredulous and wondered if it was a piece of propaganda. It would seem not.

    Not really so different here, though, where, although you might not be evicted, you’re not offered housing in the first place because of the shortage. Will we see the 20,000 ‘refugees’ (and the rest streaming over from the continent) sleeping in shop doorways, replacing the indigenous homeless who have been found housing? (rhetorical question).

    • I think that you all miss the point. The lady is a tennent and so long as the property owner has followed the correct process to serve notice of termination of tenancy I don’t have a problem with the property owner doing that.

      • Three things here. Firstly, the municipality is not a person, so does not own the property, it manages it on behalf of those who do – the taxpayers of the town. They do not appear to be happy with the decision.

        Secondly, the municipality is using a clause in the law that applies to private property owners who wish to move into the property themselves. As the municipality is not a person and cannot move in themselves, they are abusing the law.

        Thirdly, this is not a property rights issue – it is a moral one. Is it moral to make someone who is abiding by their contract homeless merely to move in someone whom the state – i.e. the taxpayers of the town will have to pay for? No, absolutely not.

        Not only that, someone who comes from a hostile, alien culture determined to destroy western culture, because that is the harsh reality here, this is an invasion in everything but name.

        No, sorry, but this is wrong in so many ways.

  3. @Furtive Ferret – So tenants who adhere to the conditions of their tenancy ie have no reason to expect eviction, should have no security of tenure, can’t reasonably expect that the property can be regarded as ‘home’ and must live with the insecurity that, as long as due process is followed, the landlord is behaving reasonably in evicting them? The tenant in question was not a short-term tenant, the property had been her home for many years.
    She denies that the landlord has offered help to find alternative accommodation. Why should anyone expect that there is suitable alternative accommodation when the place is flooded with ‘refugees’that the town can’t accommodate? Why would anyone consider it reasonable to evict a good tenant and citizen of the community of many years’ standing to house illegal immigrants who have just arrived?

    • That’s pretty much it. Having entered into a contract, it is reasonable to expect the other party not to change it arbitrarily without good reason. This is not good reason. Far from it.

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