Old Cats

Hattie is getting rather geriatric these days. At seventeen and a half, she’s enjoyed a good innings and has already outlived two of her siblings. Anyway, great age comes not alone and we took her to the vets today because she suffers cystitis. The vet also suggested that she may have a kidney infection, so the usual antibiotics. As well as some special kidney food that comes in pouches with the usual eye-watering price. I figured we’d give it a try…

She wolfed it down. The plate was polished clean. As Mrs L was noticed to mention; cats can always taste the price…


  1. I’m not much of a cat man and have three dogs: Maltese terriers. Our oldest bitch is 13 years and has liver disease. The vet reckons she can go on for a while and still enjoy life. For us it is all about quality of life. Once she ails then we will have to make a very hard decision.

  2. I don’t know what they put in that ‘convalescent cat food’ you get at the vets, but it’s hardly ever refused! It must be the same stuff they put in ‘Dreamies’, which all but one of ours will, indeed, do anything for…

  3. I’ve had my old lad Henry for around 12 years now, and he was 3-ish when we had him from a rescue centre (it’s Henry’s picture on my thumbnail avatar). SWMBO reckoned almost immediately he wasn’t quite right, and sure enough, one blood test later our vet confirmed Henry’s kidneys were iffy. Still, Richard is the best vet I’ve ever come across, and he put him on 2.5mg Fortekor tablets daily; but last October, Henry’s blood-test showed great deterioration in his renal function. Our vet upped his treatment to 5mg per day, added a daily steroid and included a food additive (protein binder) called Ipakitine. Of course, Henry wouldn’t touch the treated food! SWMBO now grinds it finely in a pestle and mortar, adds some water, I hold Henry and we squirt it directly into his mouth with a syringe – obviously no sharp. We know he can’t go on for ever, but he still enjoys his life, and delights in being a total arsehole when he feels like it.

  4. Our second one has developed a taste for human food. Cheese of course. But also marmite on toast. And chilli con carne. Yesterday she was after my son’s spaghetti…..

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