Non Story of the Day

Shock! Horror!

Jeremy Corbyn’s lodger is reportedly working for MailOnline as a freelance journalist, it has emerged.

To which, any rational, reasonable person might react with a great big “meh”. I mean, so what? He needs to earn a living and writes for a mainstream rag. So what? Oh, right, it’s right-wing. I thought perhaps he’d been fellating the devil or something…

It would seem,  though, that in our dictatorial thought-crime orthodoxy of the day, fellating the devil is small stuff compared with being, or having any dealings with, the right. These people really, really need to grow the fuck up.

“Man writes for news site” is not news. Really it isn’t.


  1. Were any landlord to insist that their tenants only worked for organisations of which they whole-heartedly approved, the rags would have a field-day.

  2. I used to be a Music Journalist. I bumped into an old musician friend a few years ago, and he said… you still writing RAB? I said yeah, just did a piece for the Mail…

    What that Fascist rag? I said yeah. They contracted me to provide Copy and they either pay me and publish it, or they spike it and pay me. I’m too long in the tooth at this game to care which, because not one comma of my copy gets altered wherever it is published.

  3. Is he declaring the income for tax purposes??? Corbyn I mean, not the jouno. And if Corbyn isn’t charging rent, then is the journo declaring benefit in kind on his tax return? Ohhhhhh, so messy…..

  4. Good to see that British libertarians have their fingers on the most critical issues affecting freedom. Just as well the government isn’t trying to turn the intelligence services into a low rent Stasi. But, wait, it is. I guess Liberty isn’t that important when a right wing government trashes it.

    • Not at all, Stephen. Just as Al Capone was eventually brought down on tax evasion charges (small change to a multi-murderer), then our arrogant ruling élite might well be stripped of their ‘holier-than-thou’ smugfest by lesser items indicating their duplicity, and hopefully then, stripped of their positions.

    • Sigh…

      I decide what I want to write and when. If I want to take the piss over a non-story, I will. At present, I have nothing new to add to the surveillance bill story, okay? Shall I seek your permission before writing posts? You know, just to be sure they meet with approval?

      • The irony of a totalitarian pretending he gives a shit about liberty while telling you what you should write about.

        • I’ve started to write about the surveillance bill a couple of times, but realised that I have nothing new to add. David Davis has said it all.

          I’ve been writing about this stuff for eleven years. I’m a bit battle weary. Just because I haven’t said anything, it doesn’t follow that I’m ignoring it as Stephen is implying. But, then, Stephen manages to be wrong about most things so why change now?

          • Indeed:- when what was the Parliamentary Conservative Party elected the smooth-but-empty PR waffler as leader instead of Davis I said it would end in tears. Davis is another who could be described as “One of the best Prime Ministers we never had”.

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