Big Society?


Johnny Heald, managing director of ORB International, said: “These results show that people in the UK are some of the least likely to offer temporary shelter to a refugee….It seems that it’s a problem many don’t want to think about, a problem many people are happy to see play out way from our shores. It’s hardly a good advert for the Big Society.”

You cannot create a society from the top down. It doesn’t work like that. And, as we have seen, many of the so-called refugees are nothing of the sort. Our sympathies are becoming  somewhat worn as a consequence. Besides, why should we give a home to aliens who despise our lifestyles, our lack of belief in their silly god and nasty prophet? A French couple did just that and were subject to their guest telling them that they should marry off their daughter and she should cover up.

He would occasionally criticise their 20-year-old daughter, telling her she should be married or cover her hair. “We had to explain to him that in Francewomen and men have the same rights, that here we are a secular country. He would say yes, but I think it was difficult for him to understand,” says Linda.

Bloody cheek! But then, that is the culture that exists in the Islamic middle east. One that if we visited their country and behaved like that, would result in imprisonment, flogging or worse.

So, no, I would not welcome them. And it seems that I’m not alone… And Big Society? I can advise Mr Cameron which orifice he can insert it should he so desire. I want none of it.


  1. We shouldn’t be taking a single refugee. Refugees should be accommodated in the nearest safe country until they can return home. The only people we should take are asylum seekers who can demonstrate that they would be persecuted in their homeland for things that would not be a crime in the UK, e.g. blasphemy against that utter shite Mohammed or his made up god.

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