And… They’re Off

June 23rd, then.

David Cameron has announced the date for the UK’s referendum on European membership after reaching a deal on reforms in Brussels.

Unfortunately, the Out campaign hasn’t exactly covered  itself in glory. They need to up their game somewhat as there is a tendency for voters to go for the status quo. I’ve been waiting for this since 1975, when we were fooled into thinking that we were entering a common market, not a supranational unelected oligarchy.

Interestingly, the Indie’s little poll on the same page shows 54% for out. That would be nice if that happened on polling day. In the meantime, expect more and more dirty tricks and muckraking from the MSM.

Yesterday was a very bad day for the out campaign. Here’s why.

What follows is unadulterated arse-dribble. Look, I despise George Galloway with a passion. That doesn’t make him wrong on this, though. These campaigns always mean you end up with fellow travellers you would normally avoid – much like the ID cards campaign of a decade ago.

What’s important is that we take back control from Brussels and we have people in the legislature that we can sack. This is too important for petty bickering among people who want the same thing.


  1. Just got my first begging email from the Stay In campaign asking for £10.

    They’ve had a tenner a week off me ever since we’ve been in this crock of shite and now the bastards have the gall to ask for more!

    £53,000,000 a day to be in the EU FFS!!! God, we’re so dumb to fall for this crap.

    Rant over. Going to lie down in a dark room…

  2. I’ve signed up to the Grassroots Out campaign and offered my services – first time I’ve ever been moved to act but this is too important not to.

  3. Dear Longrider

    “Unfortunately, the Out campaign hasn’t exactly covered itself in glory.”

    You are the out campaign, as I am and everyone who wants out. It is down to us to spread the message. A corporate out campaign is open to infiltration and sabotage, and places too much responsibility with too few people.

    Spread the word – out is good.


  4. Interesting that the “remain” side are already flooding the media with polling showing a 15% majority to remain. Indeed the dirty tricks have started.

    Given that most of the political establishment, the mainstream media, the BBC and the european political classes are all hell-bent on getting an “in” vote I almost wonder whether any convenient gerrymandering will be invoked on the referendum results if it starts to look a bit tight

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