Oh, Dear…

Rickie, aka Dickie Doubleday of Norfolk fame, had better watch his step

Internet “trolls” could face criminal charges for creating fake profiles, according to guidance being considered for prosecutors in England and Wales.

The Crown Prosecution Service says adults should be charged if they use fake social media IDs to harass others.

Cases would also follow if posts were indecent, grossly offensive or so false they caused distress and anxiety.

Given that this is precisely what he does, it ain’t looking good…

Fake accounts can be used by those posing as their victims to post embarrassing messages or pictures – or to target others without fear of identification.

Imposters have set up false accounts to discredit former partners, and attract new ones – a practice known as Catfishing.

This was how he came to my attention, as he posed as Captain Ranty to do just that. He subsequently went on to pose as me as well as a number of other bloggers. He is still doing this elsewhere in an attempt to annoy and harass people who have dared to upset him. This usually involves deleting his crap and banning him.

That said, criminalising it is way over the top for a problem that is easily fixed at source.


  1. Yeah, but expect the police to swerve the difficult cases, and come after ME instead, for failing to be a real sabretooth marsupial…

  2. Down our way, they have publicly stated they don’t have the resources to police parking so how the hell are they going to police the internet. It sounds good but it ain’t ever going to happen in reality.


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