Now The Italians Are At It.

That plague of locusts

The Italian finance minister, Pier Carlo Padoan, said that Britain’s departure could cause a domino effect in which Eurosceptic parties and electorates feel emboldened, while the German finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, claimed an out vote would be “poison” to the British, EU and world economies.

They really are desperate, aren’t they? Heaven forfend that electorates feel emboldened enough to try to leave… And, frankly, if there is a domino effect and the whole thing collapses in on itself, that will be a good thing, not a bad one.


  1. Roughly translated:
    “Britain’s departure WOULD cause a domino effect and other member states would want to leave too, That would derail our lovely gravy train. So please stay – Pleeeeaase? Pretty please?”

  2. The Italians are of a similar mind to the British: trading connections are fine, but the attempt at closer political union hasn’t worked. I suspect most of the people in Europe who actually work for a living feel similarly.

    We now know that a bureaucratic, monolithic, supra-national and cross-cultural political entity like this doesn’t work. This is a good thing. It means we can throw it away and start over.

    The EU is an experiment that has clearly failed. There is nothing wrong with this: that’s how we learn new things. Failure is the very backbone of science. This is a learning opportunity. A chance to perform a post-mortem examination of the EU and make notes of what worked, what didn’t, and why.

    When the only arguments offered in favour of the EU boil down to emotional piffle and flagrant fearmongering, it’s time to face the music and let it die a dignified, managed death.

  3. Got caught up in a fascist anti-fascist demonstration in Bologna late last year and got locked into the bar we were in by the Carabineri.
    Been in this bar a few times and the owner is friendly.
    Talking about Brexit he implored us to vote out, so Italy can begin the process
    I quote “we hope once again the English save us from ourselves”

    We did manage to drink him out of Moretti though, which was nice.

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