Obesity Crisis. What Crisis?

According to the health Nazis and various public health parasites and charlatans, we have an obesity crisis engulfing children.

Thousands of children in England started school underweight last year, according to official figures highlighted by MPs.

Rising numbers of children do not get enough to eat, says the All Party Parliamentary Group on Hunger.

“For a minority of children, the school lunchtime represents the only chance each day to eat something substantial,” the group reported.

The government said it was committed to an “all-out war” on food poverty.

Oh. Make your bleeding minds up.


  1. “The government said it was committed to an “all-out war” on food poverty.”

    I think someone should tell that mockney shitbag Jamie Oliver.

  2. Actually it is possible for both problems to exist at the same time. Some kids could be seriously overweight at the same time as others could be seriously undernourished. Of course this doesn’t change the fact that those who are employed by fake charities that are set up to address a specific problem, spend very little time on solving said problem and lots of time telling everyone what a huge problem it is and why they need more funding.

    A specific example was a talking head from Diabetes UK, on BBC breakfast news, claiming that the NHS was not providing diabetics with enough information about managing their condition. This is not just untrue, it is pretty much the opposite of the truth. When I was diagnosed I was presented with a mountain of leaflets about feet, diet, exercise etc. I was provided with a helpline number. I had an interview with a nutritionist who explained how to calculate how much carbohydrates there are in my food and how to calculate insulin doses accordingly. I was also offered a free week long course on how to do this more precisely. At the time I was disgusted with Diabetes UK for lying about this and I was disgusted with the BBC for their lack of fact checking. Now I’m just cynical. I should add that I am off insulin and off any medication altogether because I took the diet and exercise advise and followed it to the letter and beyond.

  3. Setting out with my mates on bikes, exploring the local area, fortified with butter and sugar sandwiches and bottle of dandelion and burdock (sometimes we even managed to sneak out a hastily prepared bag of cocoa and sugar for that extra energy burst). Despite this kind of diet, we were all described as having less fat than a pigeon’s lip. Mind you, we didn’t spend our time sitting in a darkened room playing with our electronic gizmos. Eat what you want, and walk, run, cycle or swim. You never see fat athletes, except in sumo wrestling, and they don’t care how much sugar is in Dolmio!

  4. I think this is part of the increasingly binary approach people have to life. Everything is either shit or awesome. Wine is good for you; wine is bad for you. Fats are good for you; fats are bad for you. Fruit (which is often mostly sugar) is good for you, but sugar is bad for you… and so it goes on. The left hands never talk to right hands, so we get a conflicting babble of crosstalk and noise.

    There is never any room for nuance. No space for doubt. You are with us, or against us. Everything is a yes or no. Everything a religion. Extremism is the new normal.

    At least you know where you are with a fanatical jihadist: they don’t use doublespeak, insinuations, political lobbying and ‘nudging’, or other subtle knives to fuck us all over. They just come right out and lop your head off. They’re evil cunts, but at least they don’t claim to be anything else. They do exactly what it says on the tin.

    The Jamie Olivers of this world, on the other hand, will pretend to be your friend. They’ll wrap the media around their little finger and use them to preach to us innocent, ignorant little lambs: we precious people, who need shepherding by these good people… our betters, our superiors.

    Nasty, evil hypocrites all.

    The real danger to life, liberty and happiness is the Neo-Puritans who deem everything even remotely fun to be unacceptable. These are the real terrorists.

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