1. My result:

    “You are zen-like, perpetually calm in the face of life’s adversities – but might you also be a bit of a door-mat?”

    Oddly the first part of this assessment makes me out to be more mellow than I actually am. The second part gets it entirely wrong, anyone who tries to use me as a doormat will instantly regret it.

    The question about littering is interesting as the answer ‘Hanging’s too good for them’ is pretty much on the nail. I would have them taken to a landfill site and have them buried up to the neck and smeared with fish paste so that they would be pecked to death by seagulls.

  2. I too am, it seems, “entirely reasonable.”, not an extremist. I especially liked being allowed to express my lack of extremity on the litter question (we are obviously governed by extremists when one considers the hysterical measures they take to over this matter).

    Will this test help a defense if mad Morticia May’s NKVD should seek to disrupt me for my opinions?

  3. Hanging is too good for people who talk about ‘train stations’ – the word is ‘station’! [Re. waiting in a queue]

    • I agree entirely:- ‘Train stations’ are found in the land of the rebel colonials; in Britain we have ‘Railway stations’.

      Perhaps it’s unsurprising I was summed up as “Quite extreme” – ‘You’re not content to sit around a let life happen to you. You’re forthright to a fault – and perhaps a little thin-skinned?’

      Basically I am extreme about others trying to organise, order or control me. I really believe in ‘Live & let live’ – PROVIDING it goes both ways. Leave me completely alone and I’m happy and easy-going.

  4. Did it twice..

    I’ve been promoted from ‘entirely reasonable’ to ‘extremely extreme’.

    Still, it probably varies according to what kind of day one’s had.

  5. Apparently I’m “mostly reasonable”. I can’t wait to hear Mrs U’s reaction to that one.

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