Telling it Like it is

Or isn’t. Al Beeb is cringe-worthy in its dhimmitude. Two stories today exposed their utter inability to acknowledge the obvious. Firstly there was the attack in Germany. George Alagiah mentioned that the attacker said something in Arabic; refraining oh, so delicately from saying what, exactly, it was, thereby avoiding any reference to the Islamic nut-jobbery of the scumbag in question.

On the website well, see for yourself…

Some witnesses said he shouted “Allahu akbar” (“God is great” in Arabic).

But a spokesman for Bavaria state’s interior ministry said that “so far we have no evidence for an Islamist motive”.

Nah, of course it wasn’t anything to do with Islam. It was those fucking Vikings avenging some slight against Thor. FFS!

Then there was the obsequious apology following the Manchester exercise whereby Alagiah did bring himself to mention “Allahu akbar” because, of course, simulating a terror attack carried out by Islamist nutters is beyond the pale, it is offensive and waycist! So the police had to apologise.

Police who staged a mock attack featuring a bomber shouting “Allahu Akbar” have been forced to apologise for racial stereotyping.

Islam is not a fucking race you feculent morons. And all the recent attacks in Europe have been carried out in the name of this vile religion. It is all about Islam.

“However, on reflection we acknowledge that it was unacceptable to use this religious phrase immediately before the mock suicide bombing, which so vocally linked this exercise with Islam. We recognise and apologise for the offence that this has caused.”

And with this pathetic appeasement, Western civilisation commits suicide.

It is all about Islam. This is an invading, violent religion of conquest. It was designed that way. It is how  it spread throughout the Arabian peninsular. Our ancestors understood. We, however, have forgotten just how evil it is.

And stop fucking apologising.



  1. >>on reflection we acknowledge that it was unacceptable to use this religious phrase immediately before the mock suicide bombing
    Really?The Tamil tigers have packed it in, so who else is doing suicide bombing these days?

  2. Muslims should be offended every day, by people asking questions like:

    Why do you revere a murderer?

    Why do you revere a violent bandit?

    Why do you revere a slave owner and trader?

    Why do you revere a rapist and pedophile?

    What sort of dumb-ass god would pick an evil bastard like PedoMo to be his special messenger?

    They are free to believe whatever utter tripe they wish, but in a liberal democracy, we should be free to question and ridicule their absurd beliefs. The problem is that the thought police try to protect them from being challenged about the transparent stupidity of their beliefs so that they can continue to wallow in their cesspit of ignorance and demand that we should respect and accommodate them.

    • Doc, I think you’ll find in liberal democracy you do not have the right to start harassing people in the street over what their views might be on terrorism. It would be a public order offence, at the very least

      • Where did I say I’d be harassing people in the street?

        What I would like to see is more discussion in the MSM as to who the historical Mohammed was, a significant number of non-Muslims simply assume that he was some kind of Jesus type figure. I’d also like to have practicing Muslims seeking political office be asked questions like: “how does your reverence for a pedophile influence your attitude to the grooming of young girls?” A perfectly reasonable question, but of course, any reporter asking such a question would be fired as an Islamaphobe and their organisation would apologise profusely for any offense caused.

        I personally would never vote for a practicing Muslim irrespective of what party they were standing for, their belief in the evil cult of Mohammed is all I need to know about them.

  3. I have a feeling, parts of the above article and some comments here would fall foul of Cameron and May’s future legislation to banish “extremist” opinions from the internet, and gain the writers themselves a new Extremist Dispersal Order (EDO) – a measure based on the evil and dangerous ASBO template Blair’s gang introduced into UK law.

    So folks, be aware that you could well be criminalised for expressing yourself if Cameron and May’s legislation to censor opinions that do not even breach existing criminal law (but are disapproved of by the Establishment) makes it into legislation in the form that the home office have trailed.

    It is said this legislation will form the keynote part of the upcoming Queen’s speech. I hope as many people as possible put up a united resistance against this fascistic assault on the fundamental British value of all. Ironically enough, Cameron and May say they wish to penalize those who don’t hold British values with the proposed legislation – of course, such measures reveal that Cameron, May, and the home office themselves are one of the extremist major threats to British values, and are doing the work of terrorists – by changing our society fundamentally by making it less free.

    The extremism bill, if anything like in the form mooted, must be opposed – if not blogs such as this will either cease to exist or reduced to being only able to print anodyne platitudes.

    • I think you mean Extremist Disruption Orders, Mike.

      The long arm of Cameron’s fascist legislation will not reach overseas. As long as the blog is hosted outside the UK, it will be possible for UK residents to comment anonymously on it. As a non-UK resident I’d certainly consider setting up a blog for that purpose if the law does come into effect.

      • Yeah, thanks, Doc – I should have double checked the name of EDOs.

        UK residents can post, comment and blog under assumed names anonymously, but if their identity becomes known they may potentially be prosecuted/harassed by the British state’s minions, being within the jurisdiction of UK law. A while ago a young man was prosecuted under the UK Obscene Publications act over a story he wrote on a US website. The jury cleared him of breaching the act, but he was legally subject to it.

        One hopes there will be enough Tories to defang these measures – it may be up to the house of Lords once again to defend our liberty – as they did in the dark Blair/Straw/Blunkett era (for example, when it came to modifying Labour’s totalitarian bills cracking down on expressing religious opinions and views on sexuality).

  4. Of course Al Beeb isn’t going to point out that the perps were members of the ROP. I mean it’s a given isn’t it.

    As for the filth coming out with that crap about racial stereotyping – who says all Muslims are Arab. Some are Black, some are yellow and some are white. These are colours not races.

    It isn’t going to get any better is it?

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