1. I think that the margin will be close enough that, no matter who wins, there are going to be a lot of unhappy people. The coming months will be interesting.

  2. If it is remain, there are two things:

    Whatever the ramifications for party politics here, as far as the Reich is concerned its creatures here will have served their purpose and can be abandoned. I can only imagine the contempt that any future British “government” will be treated in the Reichs chancellery from now on (i.e. from Friday). I wonder what that will do to honest remainers. There are plenty of decent and moral people who will vote stay, I know a few. They will vote in for reasons I don’t agree with but do understand. Many of them can’t imagine a world without “Europe” and are genuinely afraid. Some – Cliff help them – even swallow Mr Potato heads stronger/safer/better off shite! (you can fool some of the people all of the time and all that).

    And then there is the elephant in the room that everybody has studiously ignored: The Euro and its remorseless and probably unstoppable destruction of the European economy. If the vote is in, will this be revived? I notice Heseltine has risen from the grave and tried to open this up again. But seriously when Italy and/or France and/or Spain do need a bailout, what then?

    I fervently hope it is out but if it is in I will take comfort from the knowledge that I am right and I think we will be proven so pretty quickly. Or maybe we will have another vote. I don’t for one second accept this “that’s it for a generation” meme. If the final assault on what is left of our sovereignty and nation begins – and how can it not – politics may change a lot quicker than people think.

    So the exit won’t be structured and to some degree under our control. It will be when the whole vile edifice collapses (economically, no amount of politics can go against the dead hand of the market). Five years?

  3. I fear the result will have already been established; the debate now is just by how much the margin should be.

    Cynical? Moi?

  4. Well well. The politics is going to get very interesting now, isn’t it just? Are they going to start trying to wriggle out of it straight away? surely Cameron is toast? Bring it on, bring it on.

  5. I do not wish to gloat. Well actually I do wish to gloat but only in a tasteful and understated manner.

    Now the hard work really begins, watch the EU apparatchiks twist and turn in any way they can to reverse the decision. Dare I speculate a legal challenge to the referendum result?

    Oh and of course the ScotNats will immediately demand another independence vote because they all wanted to stay. Does that mean London will get one as well?

    • You must have a crystal ball 🙂 – only a couple of hours after the official announcement of the result we’ve moved on to Sturgeon signalling her intent….

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