1. I see that they repeat the BBC ‘porkie’ regarding Nigel and the £350M, this gross figure was put forward by a campaign that he wasn’t part of. It wasn’t his job to shoot down people on the ‘leave’ side so he kept his peace during the campaign.

    This is a good bit from the article:
    “With an intolerant right wing on the rise, every progressive must be hoping that, whoever prevails in the left’s faction fighting, it will be finished soon.”
    Intolerance and hate are traits of the ‘left’ – they love using words like ‘fight’ and ‘smash’ and hold dear concepts such as ‘no platforming’ and support for the ‘other’, (which doesn’t include the other side!). The ‘rise of the right’ is another meaningless phrase. It conjures an image of an army of zombie Nazis rising from the ground, rather than some of their fellow humans, family, neighbours or colleagues just exercising their democratic right to express a contrary opinion.

  2. Exactly. A contrary opinion. That got 17 plus million of us labelled as thick by some comedian I had never heard of plus a load of rich cowardly luvvies who can afford the champagne socialism they spout. Well tough. The majority voted leave. Another arrogant toe rag in Scotland is also trying to scupper democracy as well but even Brussels told her to get lost.

  3. Using the true sense of the word, they’re about as progressive as a windmill. Another good word hijacked for the left’s NLP-style Newspeak.

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