Anti Democracy March

Tens of thousands of people are marching through central London in protest against Britain leaving the European Union democracy.

Marchers flying EU flags and holding banners with slogans including “never going to give EU up” and “march for Europe against the democratically expressed will of the people” gathered in reaction to a referendum result that has plunged Britain into political chaos.

Though Britain voted narrowly by 52 per cent to 48 per cent to stay in the EU, the capital, where the protest took place, strongly voted to Remain – but is set to be dragged out of the bloc by the rest of the country.

My oh my, now the scum crawl out of the woodwork. Democracy is only okay if it goes your way, eh?

We had a vote. You lost.  Get over it.


  1. I’d like to think that the sheer hatred and contempt – “you’re racist”, “you’re stupid”, “you’re old and you’ll die soon” – we’re seeing for those of use who dared to say no to an ever-expanding state and soft totalitarianism will wake some people up to who the real nasty bastards are.

  2. It isn’t really a surprise that people who are happy to see their democratic birthright constantly being chipped away by the EU are behaving in this way though is it? If they value democracy so little, why should we be surprised when they start saying that the Brexit result should be ignored or the referendum done again but with the rules changed so that they win?

  3. The trouble, SG, is that young people today don’t really understand what real democracy is. Don’t forget that none of them have ever known what it is like to live under such a system and most have been brainwashed into thinking that simply “having a vote” of any kind equals democracy. Which, of course, it doesn’t – just ask the people who grew up in Communist Russia or those now living in Zimbabwe, all of whom had (or have) “a vote” which is as good as meaningless in terms of actually affecting anything about the way the countries were (or are) run. I’ve heard these Young Remainers described as possibly suffering from a group form of Stockholm Syndrome and I think there’s a lot of truth in that description. They’ve lived so long with Nanny Europe making all the hard decisions that they’ve got complacent and lazy-minded and the thought of actually having to make some difficult decisions themselves in the future is threatening to them. Very threatening.

    The ones I find more surprising are the older ones who voted to stay in. They should know better, and they should certainly be aware, from their own life experience, that the sky actually doesn’t fall in if one lives in a true democracy and that in fact our rights and freedoms are protected far better within such a system. I’d be inclined to say that these older Remainers are perhaps just left-leaning in their political persuasions and are therefore much more in favour of the State running their lives – and the bigger the State the better that is. Except that … many of my colleagues at work – most of them dyed-in-the-wool Tories to their boots – are all staunch Remainers, too, which I find confusing. I can only think that, as the kind of voters who would happily vote for the PG Tips talking monkey if it had a blue rosette on, and bearing in mind that, in their view, everything that the Tory party says is always and without exception absolutely correct (they are incapable of disbelieving anything that emanates thenceforth), and with Cameron and the majority of Tory MPs being pro-Remain, they simply (as they do in every election, large or small) opted to “want whatever the Tories want,” whilst quietly closing their eyes and ears to the fact that in this instance that was (cough, splutter) exactly the same as the Labour party also wanted. Which, when you think about it, is a pretty mindless approach to a very, very important issue.

    So maybe that’s it. People who voted to Remain, whatever their age and whatever their usual political persuasion, are simply people who prefer, by and large, simply not to have to bother thinking about stuff and prefer other people to do it for them. Which is precisely why their foot-stamping, toddler-stylee rantings should be roundly and robustly ignored!

  4. Loved the video of the girl who said that the three things that she loved most about the EU were:
    1)The NHS.
    2)Free plane tickets to France.
    3)Everyone having the same opinion.

    Also, Jax is correct in saying that the remainers don’t seem to understand how undemocratic the EU actually is. But then someone carrying a placard that says “WE are the 48%” when the side that won got 52% is hardly likely to recognise democracy if it hit them in the face.

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