The Nasty Party

It has been considered wisdom for a while now that the (insert evil here) Tories are the nasty party and Labour is nice and fluffy. Well, events have a habit of exposing such wisdom for a sham and recent events have done so very nicely indeed.

The left likes to think for example that feminism is its preserve and that we need special lists that discriminate against men in order to get women into top jobs. However, as Tom Harris notes things aren’t always as they seem when it comes to the left and its attitude towards women.

Proceedings kicked off with a rant from a self-styled, uninvited (we hope), unappointed, unelected hard-Left – and therefore self-righteous – activist in a parka who proceeded to attack Ruth Smeeth MP, who was in the audience, for conspiring with the right wing media over the issue that has done the party so much damage.

The obnoxious individual – who turned out, of course, to be a member of Momentum, Corbyn’s Praetorian Guard – probably thought “job done” when Ruth, a Jewish MP, duly left the meeting in tears. The hard left are not known for their progressive attitude towards either women or Jews.

When Parkaman was duly told to shut up by attending hacks, Corbyn resumed his own comments. The room waited for his response and for his words of condemnation of Parkaman and for his words of support for Ruth.

It waited in vain.

Not only did Corbyn not defend one of his own MPs, news bulletins that evening showed him exchanging friendly words with Parkaman after the event. No one knows what was said, but who’d be surprised if it was something along the lines of “Women, eh? Tch!”

Quite apart from the vile antisemitism that runs through the veins of this nasty organisation, the hard left strangely fails to practice what it preaches on the matter of equal opportunity. As Tom notes, Corbyn is implicated by his abject failure to robustly condemn this shitbag. Any decent organisation would have ostracised this creature. But, no, this is the Labour party where such self-righteous loudmouthed morons swept an inept Marxist to undeserved power.

Meanwhile, over in the blue corner, it is looking increasingly likely that the two front runners for the top job could well both be women. So while the Labour party bangs on ad nauseam about it, the Tories not only gave us our first female prime minister, it looks as if they will give us our second – and maybe the runner-up, too.

Of course, because it is the (evil) Tories, that clearly doesn’t count.

Remind me, which is the nasty party again?


  1. Nicely summed up if I may say so.
    Is that why Angie the Eagle hasn’t challenged him yet – they’re waiting for a man to do it?

  2. I wonder if T B-Lair, a real man of a man, could juggle two jobs?
    Chief EU Brexit negotiator and leader of the breakaway nuLabor Party. As the arch snake oil salesman seems to be itching to stick his oar back into the UK’s affairs once again. I expect he is confident he will be vindicated by a certain report to be released on Wednesday.
    As for the tag “Nasty Party”, if May gets elected it maybe a choice between the “very” Nasty Party and the “not so” Nasty Party. I’ll let others decide which title should apply to which party

    • “…a choice between the “very” Natsy Party and the “not so” Natsy Party”

      Fixed it for you.

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