Bring it On

The end of the Labour Party.

A Labour split would likely end disaster for any new breakaway party and leave the remainder of Labour itself seriously diminished, a new electoral study suggests.

Given the damage this vile party  has caused to this country, then it cannot come a day too soon. I’ll get the popcorn in.


  1. I am hoping that (assuming Corbyn is returned) that the 172 Labour MP’s who are ranged against him all simultaniously resign thier seats and trigger 172 bye-elections.

    It at least has a ring of dignity attached to it. Although with Labour, UKIP and Liberal Democrats all seemingly more interested in looking up thier own arseholes than representing the electorate God alone knows what the result would be.

  2. I loved the Labour Party comments about disarray in the Conservative Party during their leadership elections. No High Court, no fiasco over and done with quick and efficiently. Is Corbyn staying just to bump his pension up? He’ll still be in place in 2020, his election campaign will be a fiasco and he will lose in a manner that mad Michael Foot seem like a competent helmsman.

    Actually looking at Michael Foot’s career at least he was a decent journalist in his time, Corbyn’s never been anything than someone’s mate.

  3. It really is wonderfully entertaining isn’t it? I haven’t had so much fun since Neil Kinnock spent several minutes shouting “Yeah, alright, yeah” at a pre election Labour rally.

  4. The comments below the linked article are a hoot. There actually are Labour supporters who think that having a genuinely lefty, borderline communist, Labour party is too important to be compromised by such concerns as them actually being electable. I’m genuinely baffled as to how someone can actually think like this. You have the misguided view that a left wing government would be good for Britain, and you think that the best way to achieve your goal is to create a left wing party that pretty much guarantees that the Tories stay in power permanently?

  5. Well with the turmoil in the tory party with remainers and leavers and UKIP showing it is now a genuine political party with its going on. Could we end up with six parties to choose from?

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