It Woz the FBI Wot Dun it!


Hillary Clinton has blamed her defeat in the US presidential election on interventions by the FBI director.

Well, I suppose it’s possible it had an effect, but I doubt it changed many minds. Clinton lost because she was the establishment candidate, a candidate that ignored the groundswell of fury from an increasingly disenfranchised group of people who took the opportunity to give her and the elite she represented a firm two-finger salute. And, frankly, if she hadn’t used those personal email servers in the first instance, the FBI wouldn’t have had an opportunity to screw her campaign would they?

There is only one person to blame – Hillary. Not that the Grauniad would have it that way – indeed it was misogyny wot dun it.

For 240 years, America has toyed with the idea of a woman becoming president. This year, for an all too brief moment, it looked as if the idea might become a reality. But the dream of a female president has remained just that, a disingenuous myth America occasionally serves up in fictions, but never permits to spill into its facts. Instead of witnessing the landmark moment of a woman moving into the Oval Office, we can now see the all-too-real misogyny that became a feature of the 2016 presidential campaign bedding down in the corridors of power. When Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton a “nasty woman”in the final debate, only a few days after a series of recordings revealed him admitting to a series of sexual aggressions and assaults, many people thought it was the end of his bid for the presidency. Instead, social media during election night revealed Trump supporters – male and female – voicing the diehard view that a woman is simply not capable of being president, too weak to stand up to foreign leaders and the military.

Ah, yeah… it was nothing to do with the fact that many people just didn’t want this woman in the White House. Another, more acceptable candidate may well have swung it. But, no, not for the Groan such a simple explanation; it always boils down to identity politics with these charlatans. So when I see their begging letter halfway down the page:

Help us hold the new president to account, sort fact from fiction, amplify underrepresented voices, and understand the forces behind this divisive election — and what happens next.

Fund our journalism, and together we can keep the world informed

I have to smile. Never in a million years will I put my hand in my pocket to help this vile organ flourish. It is the enemy, it is the voice of evil. If it ceases to “sort fact from fiction (guffaw)”, then I will shed no tears. Indeed, the thought of Grauniad journos out on the streets kipping in cardboard boxes begging for enough change to buy a cup of tea, warms the cockles.



  1. Because the Graun was so behind Maggie as PM. Don’t think women in the USA got the vote until 1920: the idea of a woman president 240 years ago is ludicrous.

  2. As we have seen with Barack Obama, simply choosing a candidate because they are ‘black’, or a woman, or any other member of an identifiable group for that reason alone does not make for a good choice. You vote for the person or group you think will bring a desired outcome. Not to fill some ineffectual gender or race quota. We’ve all seen where that leads, and in Canada and Trudeau’s case, is leading.

    Identity politics is a failed political experiment and should be consigned to the garbage can of history along with socialism and all other top down collectivist ideologies.

  3. “Never in a million years will I put my hand in my pocket to help this vile organ flourish.”

    The begging has reached epic proportions in the last few days.

    Good. Bring.. it… on!

  4. My jaw is aching from laughing at the utter bollocks that’s been spouted because the (working or respectfully retired or genuine looking for meaningful work) deplorable man and woman in the street didn’t do as they were told, and Brexit like, treated with derision the US version of operation’ fear and loathing’.

    I couldn’t give toss whether the right candidate is white black yellow or sunburned to a flame red or a mix of all those, whether he/she wears a dress or jeans or bovver boots and a bowler matters not a bloody jot, he or she might be old or young and speak with any accent you care to mention and come from any background, so long as they have the will and strength and have honour in spades and tell the truth and do their best for the real people they’ll do for me.

    The right person came up for the US, a highly successful businessman who THEY couldn’t strong arm nor frighten and most importantly can’t be bought because he doesn’t need their money…that’s whats really frightening and pissing the elites off.

    Helpfully Clinton stuck her size 12 in her gob at the right moment and told millions of genuine patriotic citizens they were deplorable, bravo Clinton GOAL of the own variety, the FBI didn’t cost her the election, she did that without any help whatsoever.

    Grauniad scribblers on the dole, now there’s a pleasant thought for a Sunday morning.

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