
Easy question to answer.

Non-Muslims will have the chance to visit their local mosques on Sunday as more than 150 offer people the opportunity to ask questions about Islam and find out more about the faith.

Organisers of Visit My Mosque day are expecting thousands of people to take part, with many across the UK opening their doors and hoping visitors will want to show solidarity after Trump’s travel ban.

I think I can pass. I am well aware of what Islam is. I don’t need to visit a mosque and I have no desire to discover more. And the travel ban is not a Muslim ban, no matter how much people want to try to dress it up that way. And, frankly, I have no intention of showing solidarity. America is a foreign country, that recently had an election. The travel ban was in Trump’s manifesto. It is not my place to try to undermine it as I don’t get involved in the politics of other nations – because they are none of my business.


  1. “…the travel ban is not a Muslim ban, no matter how much people want to try to dress it up that way”


    “The travel ban was in Trump’s manifesto. It is not my place to try to undermine it as I don’t get involved in the politics of other nations – because they are none of my business.”


    BBC raged against Farage speaking at Trump rally and alleged Russian influence; yet BBC celebrated Obama’s “back of queue”, IMF, UN, EU… influencing our vote.

    Left’s dictionary does not include the word “Hypocrisy”

    PS: if you had visited one I hope your non-singing pig would have accompanied you 😉

  2. Visit Mosques? The only time I usually visit a church is when one of my own shuffles off this mortal coil or decides to get hitched. Or maybe for the historical interest, but most mosques are architecturally uninspiring. As for showing ‘solidarity’. Like the solidarity much of the Muslim world accorded the victims of 9/11 and other terrorist outrages?

    Nah. I’ve got better things to do.

  3. I don’t suppose they’d welcome questions about why their god would choose a murdering, thieving, beheading, slave owning, slave raping pedo as his special messenger and it what sort of screwed up world view could such an utter bastard be considered the perfect man.

  4. This is all very well, but I’m not sure that it won’t backfire the moment any non-Muslim females from the local area turn up, all full of open-mindedness and goodwill … and are promptly told that they aren’t allowed to use the posh entrance and are only allowed in if they cover their wicked, tempting female faces up.

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