That Castro Clan

Wonderful types

From now on you have no name. You are prisoner 217′: life in a Cuban jail

This is the reality of becoming an enemy of the state. It’s not clear whether there was, actually, corruption but this quote is the killer:

Cuban state salaries are all around $20 a month. To varying degrees, everyone does something technically illegal to survive.

This is how these evil regimes work. They put the populace in a position where everyone is guilty of some low-level infringement of the rules so that should they wish, they will be able to find something. And if there was corruption, you can bet your bottom dollar that the ruling party was in it up to its neck. And, when it was convenient to do so, could persecute those involved. Communism and totalitarianism, a partnership made in Hell and visited upon the Earth. They have a nice turn in due process, too.

Purvis was taken away, handcuffed, his head forced between his knees, to an anonymous art deco house close to the airport. There, he was provisionally charged with being an “enemy of the state”. He was advised not to hire a lawyer and to co-operate immediately. Agreeing to that, he was then taken to the notorious Cuban state security prison known as Villa Marista, for what was described, euphemistically, as “further instruction”.

Straight out of Stalin’s handbook. And this was as late as 2013, which tells us that these people haven’t changed. Cuba may seem like a nice Caribbean destination for a holiday, but underneath, the dark heart still beats an evil march. It doesn’t matter which Castro we are looking at, both are/were vile dictators.


  1. Whoever “Umbongo” is it’s not me who’s been blogging under “Umbongo” for over 10 years. Can you please stop him/her/it posting on your blog.

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