And So…

It starts.

Of course, it should have started on June 24th 2016 had Cameron had the balls to do as he promised. Forty years ago, I was too young to vote. Had I been able to, I would have voted “leave”. Which is interesting as we have been regaled by the BBC recently about how all the older people have voted in a way that affects young people who were denied the vote. Well, forty years ago, I was denied a vote and I have lived with the consequences of that referendum decision made by the older people at the time. The young people of today can just suck it up as I have done this past forty years. No sympathy from this quarter.

Now, lets see what it looks like on the outside, eh?


  1. The Remain claimed that Leavers were Befuddled Old Fogies hankering after the Good Old Days which is odd because the Peter French #marchforeu mini demo seemed to consist mainly of Befuddled Old Fogies hankering after the Good Old Day!
    Some of them seemed very elderly – recruited from Care Homes maybe.

  2. Don’t forget that many of those that were bleating so loudly in the week after the referendum hadn’t actually got off their arses to vote. I suppose it was a good thing really or remain might have won, but it takes a pretty impressive level of stupidity not to vote and then protest on the streets when the result doesn’t go your way.

  3. Yeah that arch c*nt Alistair Campbell was on C5 this morning giving the same line – that the mature voters had no right to deny the benefits of the EU to the young who were ineligible to vote.

    But then again he is a c*nt, so I ignored him on the basis that everything he says is lies anyway, because that’s what he does for a living. Ergo we must be correct in Brexiting if he disagrees with it.

  4. The referendum vote day co-inciding with Glastonbury may have helped too.

    Thank God Article 50 has finally been invoked.

  5. I was old enough to vote. I was 23 in 1975, and to a student of History, Economics and Law the ultimate goal of the “Common Market” was obvious… a United States of Europe. It still is.
    The EU has expanded from 2 countries (France trying to stop Germany beating the shit out of them for a third time in 100 years) to six, then 10, now 27. And with the UK pulling out only half a dozen net contributors to the largesse pot. They could never be honest about their intentions because the rest of Europe would have told them to fuck off. But relentlessly on their way they go picking up countries by the handful like a demented stamp collector, whether they are worth anything or not. They do not even care whether it works or whether the actual people profit and prosper, just as long as their ideological dream of a new Roman Empire comes to pass and prospers the elite and their crony capitalist chums.

    I have waited 43 years to get a chance to take down this socio/fascist completely undemocratic calumny, now we have. But the devil is in the detail, let’s not lose at the last fence now.

  6. Yes i think too.
    Well, forty years ago, I was denied a vote and I have lived with the consequences of that referendum decision made by the older people at the time. The young people of today can just suck it up as I have done this past forty years. No sympathy from this quarter.

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