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Peak Guardian

May 10, 2017 Longrider 5

Every time I read a miserablist, anti-English, anti-white, anti-male article in the Guardian, I ask myself if they can top that. And, sure enough, they […]

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Sexy Tax

May 9, 2017 Longrider 18

Srsly? As Jay Z says, if people had a breakdown of what their taxes paid for, they would feel better about paying it – and […]

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May 8, 2017 Longrider 5

Apparently, Labour won’t lose the election because they are too left-wing. It’s all to do with narrative, apparently. Pointing across the despatch box in 2013 […]

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Yeah, of Course

May 7, 2017 Longrider 7

That’s why people are going to vote Conservative… Labour frontbencher Emily Thornberry risked enraging voters today by claiming they are only backing Theresa May because […]

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How Nice

May 7, 2017 Longrider 2

Labour is going to ask high earners to pay more tax. “And for those above £80,000, we’re asking them to pay a modest bit more. […]

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Interesting Times

May 5, 2017 Longrider 12

Not only has Wee Willie Krankie had indyref2 blow up in her face, Corby is radioactive on the doorstep. Well whodathunkit? The activists, the true […]